I'm putting together a longer post about enhancements and the markets, among other subjects. I'm requesting some feedback about some calculations I made about the number of set IO markets. The information given below, and concerning which I'm doing a little fact checking, is part of the support for that (future) post.
Even though everything below the line is readable, at present, I would be glad to improve the formatting by putting the information into three clearly drawn columns, so that its easier to read. I just don't know how to do it. Suggestions provided about how to use Open Office 3 to generate nicely formatted tables for a forum post would be appreciated.
The simplest way to calculate the number of set IO markets is to ask for how many items you need to post a different bid / ask price. Markets can be regarded as related, but still distinct, if prices do not track each other perfectly. By that set of criteria, each level of each set IO should be treated as a separate market. The number of markets calculated for each recipe should be doubled because you can buy a recipe and then craft a set IO enhancement, or you can just buy the enhancement (as long as items are available for purchase, of course). Using this definition of a market, there are 35,754 set IO markets. To provide the details used to make this calculation, the data is given further down:
Information given on each row:
1. Set IO category
2. Total # of markets as defined above, for the named set IO category
3. Total # of recipes plus total # of enhancements, for the named set IO category
accurate defense debuff, 504, 24
accurate to hit debuff, 504, 24
defense debuff , 852, 36
endurance modification, 852, 36
slow movement, 1206, 46
to hit buff, 852, 36
to hit debuff, 852, 36
Totals for all set IO categories:
35754 distinct markets
1518 recipes + enhancements
what profits can be gained from this info?
Originally Posted by all_hell
what profits can be gained from this info?
lol. spoken like a true Marketer
It gives an idea of how many toons you need to dominate all the IOs for a specific type of slot.
I'm putting together a longer post about enhancements and the markets, among other subjects. I'm requesting some feedback about some calculations I made about the number of set IO markets. The information given below, and concerning which I'm doing a little fact checking, is part of the support for that (future) post.
Even though everything below the line is readable, at present, I would be glad to improve the formatting by putting the information into three clearly drawn columns, so that its easier to read. I just don't know how to do it. Suggestions provided about how to use Open Office 3 to generate nicely formatted tables for a forum post would be appreciated.
My thanks in advance for feedback provided.
The simplest way to calculate the number of set IO markets is to ask for how many items you need to post a different bid / ask price. Markets can be regarded as related, but still distinct, if prices do not track each other perfectly. By that set of criteria, each level of each set IO should be treated as a separate market. The number of markets calculated for each recipe should be doubled because you can buy a recipe and then craft a set IO enhancement, or you can just buy the enhancement (as long as items are available for purchase, of course). Using this definition of a market, there are 35,754 set IO markets. To provide the details used to make this calculation, the data is given further down:
Information given on each row:
1. Set IO category
2. Total # of markets as defined above, for the named set IO category
3. Total # of recipes plus total # of enhancements, for the named set IO category
melee damage, 2064, 114
pbaoe damage, 2080, 80
pet damage, 1638, 78
ranged damage, 2064, 114
recharge intensive pets, 504, 24
sniper attacks, 1456, 56
targeted aoe damage, 1576, 56
accurate healing, 504, 24
defense, 2076, 76
healing, 1878, 78
resist damage, 2076, 76
confuse, 1218, 58
fear, 1206, 46
holds, 2214, 94
immobilize, 1218, 58
knockback, 852, 36
sleep, 1218, 58
stuns, 1218, 58
taunt, 852, 36
flight, 432, 12
leaping, 432, 12
running, 432, 12
teleport, 432, 12
universal travel, 492, 12
accurate defense debuff, 504, 24
accurate to hit debuff, 504, 24
defense debuff , 852, 36
endurance modification, 852, 36
slow movement, 1206, 46
to hit buff, 852, 36
to hit debuff, 852, 36
Totals for all set IO categories:
35754 distinct markets
1518 recipes + enhancements