GRR! Help with a bind, please!




I've been trying to set up a bind to have my character speak while using the Super Serum costume change emote.

This is what I've used: /bind numpad 1 local Time for a boost!$$cc_e 1 ccserum

Please tell me what I am doing wrong as it will not work. The costume change works but no speaking.

Yes, I searched. That's how I got what I'm using. Please help.



It should be like this:

/bind numpad1 "local Time for a boost!$$cc_e 1 ccserum"

What's happening when you run your command is the bind itself is not even being processed correctly, then it's running the command after the $$. That's why only the costumes change happens. Enclose it in quotes and fix the KEY_NAME, and you should be fine.



Thanks much!