Descending from Secret Entrance...




I'm pretty amateur with this stuff, mostly building for function rather than form. But I'd like to do something a little fancy with my villain base, and create the illusion that the player is descending from the sewers (the secret entrance room) into a hidden arcane chamber (the rest of the base).

I'm stuck because I don't know of any way to raise the secret entrance itself. It doesn't seem to stack on top of other things. Is there any way to get the player to enter the base at a relatively high level, then go down steps into the room(s) adjacent to the entrance room? All I seem to be able to do is raise the floor on the entrance room and lower the floor in the adjacent rooms, but the effect is not very dramatic.

Thanks for any help!




Last I checked, the portal door (object) can be floated. Please see these videos for instructions >

I'd recommend setting the room with the highest possible ceiling and lowest possible floor levels to take advantage of the illusion of a great descent, place the blue portal door as high as possible and perhaps stacking stairs or adding a rustic gangwalk or makeshift verical ladder below it.

I'll post some screenshots in a moment. In the meantime, those Stacker instructional videos are the best for new editors. I was going to make a few but realized I talk too darn much Though, I may make some for the sillier edit tricks we place in our SG bases.


It is still possible to float the door. I had to double check in case there were unexpected changes with i17. Please see the Stacker vidoes for instructions.

So a few examples. Sorry to leave clickable thumbnails but I'd rather not post a huge screenshot that will break the width of the thread and unsuspecting eyeballs

For starters, still work with the room heights between adjoining rooms. It can add to the illusion of depth. Here's an area on our arcane base in which one room flows to the next using floor heights -and- stacked stairs...


As for stairs, skies the limit. From stacking prefabricated stairs...


,to creating your own using large pieces...

(arcane tables > ) smaller ones for tighter areas ( brass lamps

> & ).

Incidentally, all of the examples above are working stairs. That is, your character can use sprint or walk and ascend or descend without getting stuck and using jump. When creating your own stairs, the key is to stack with spaces between risers of the smallest possible increments.

Have fun.



Thank you! I'll get to work on this after I get back from the office tonight.




The brass lamps are a great idea. Thanks.

Enjoy your day please.