Sad want-to-be Traps Defender is sad.
I played my Def up to about 11, but I think I have bailed on him. I have however seen the beauty in Bots/Traps, though I never could take the Bot clanging, now it doesn't bother me. Maybe I need a harder hitting set than Archery for my Def, or maybe I just had a few rough missions the last time I was on him.
Protector: Tulare 50 Inv/SS/EM-ph1x3r 47 Bots/Traps
VIP: VIC-29(Traps/AR) - Corinth(Grav/FF) -Wrecka(Claws/SR)
lvl 11 is probably not a fair shake. Traps doesn't really get cooking until SOs, which is consistent with other defensive sets and because it has mostly long cooldowns.
I can see what you mean there. I have a SR scrapper. He was kind of fun until SOs, then he went beyond fun. I think I may just be impatient though, my Bots/Traps got to 16 in a blink, and now with FFG I am pretty excited to see what he can do.
Protector: Tulare 50 Inv/SS/EM-ph1x3r 47 Bots/Traps
VIP: VIC-29(Traps/AR) - Corinth(Grav/FF) -Wrecka(Claws/SR)
My friend and I are playing Traps, he picked up Dark blast and I went pistols. He and I both run in, he drops PGT then acid mortar, I drop acid mortar then give them the gift that explodes. Then its kinda fuzzy after that but we put some tanks to shame and give the empathy lamebot nothing to do but keep spamming Heal aura which does nothing because everything is dead or not hitting the team.
Ps Dear freedom players, Empathy is lame stop playing it.
with Hate ,your face, CF