Yay, Infinity heroes!
Arrrooooooo! Yes it was fun Belle, was great just to hang with the gang and drop afew Villians.
"Show Them No Mercy!!"
Founder/Creator of Dragonians Dynasty
Retired First Seargeant (Vet)
I also enjoyed the event. I wouldn't mind having something like that pop up about every six months.
Twitter @FiveIronBrony
Taxi bots rule. That is all.
Wow, you all were amazing fighting off all of those villains tonight! I don't think I've ever been so proud to be a Taxi, seeing all of my favorite heroes protecting the city! Let's see if I can sum up the night:

I LOVE my Holiday Rocket Pack, it's just the best! I wish I could keep it forever, because it's SOOOO cute! I wish I could trade my jetpacks that I get in the Shadow Shard for the Holiday Rocket Pack, but for the next month, I don't have to!
Lots of villains attacked, but the heroes were out in force like I haven't seen in probably years! Yay! And I heard of some minor injuries, but otherwise nothing too serious, even after such a sustained heavy attack!
I got to help out on a couple of teams against the attacks, and I even got a bunch of merits for it, even though everyone else was doing most of the hard work. The City Administrators were too kind!
I got a really neat new title that will last for a while, ooh!
I got to help a bunch of heroes get the Trucker badge, a badge that they wouldn't have been able to get until December!
I got to help a really good friend get a gold medal on the bobsled ski run. 49 seconds, wow!
I got to help several heroes get some goodies from the Toy Collector by giving them candy canes that I had collected last winter and not used. I think I gave out around 250 of them, and a bunch of heroes now have Holiday Rocket Packs and snowballs now!
I got a Holiday Rocket Pack myself! YAAAAY!
By far, best of all, I got to see a bunch of my favorite heroes and good friends that I've been missing for a while. You all are just the best, and I just can't tell you how happy you make this little Taxi!
So hooray again for big parties, and thanks a TON to the City Administrators who worked so hard tonight and gave out so many neat gifts to the heroes who pitched in and helped defend the city! You're the best, and this was the best night ever!
Oh, one more thing! I know that everyone is really excited about seeing the new exploration badge markers that are being installed. I am too! You know me, I'm a history buff and the more I can learn about the city, the better! Over the next few days and probably next week too, I'll be offering to take groups around the city to see all of the new badge markers. I'll try to post a message tomorrow with some times and dates to see if everyone wants to come with me, yay!
Yay, Infinity Taxis!!!
Try my City without Taxis story (1679) if you get a chance and let me know what you think!