I need some macro help




I'm not that great yet with macros, but i was wondering if anyone else was.

I want to make a macro that will
1. Change my costume with the evl laugh emote, then
2. Summon all my ninjas, then
3. Say a catchy phrase about underestimating me on local.

is there a way?



No. You can't have multiple powers activating in the way that would be needed for summoning all of your ninjas.



Alright thank you



Ok, I know that you want "All" of your ninjas to summon. As stated, that's just not possible. However, I had a similar question a few months ago. That edition of the VPQ may help you. You might also want to check out the original thread that spawned the video for context and clarity.

From my original post where I posted the video:

To answer Forbin Project,
Here is the video of exactly how it went off.
I used my CC4 Macro below, but you can substitute a bind to NUMPAD7 if you wish.
/macro CC4 "cce 4 CCSmokebomb$$powexec_name Superior Invisibility$$say Poof I'm Gone!!"
/bind NUMPAD7 "cce 4 CCSmokebomb$$powexec_name Superior Invisibility$$say Poof I'm Gone!!"
I did add a quick chat blurb, but you can leave it out if you want to quietly change costumes and go Invis.
Now, I went to the Test Server a sec and just tested a variation that may help you.
/macro CC4 "cce 4 CCEvilLaugh$$powexec_name Call_Genin$$local It's not smart to underestimate Lunatica!!"
/bind NUMPAD7 "cce 4 CCEvilLaugh$$powexec_name Call_Genin$$local It's not smart to underestimate Lunatica!!"

You can use either one. If you like Macros and like having an icon in your tray, then choose the macro. If you prefer a keybind, then choose the bind.
When you press the icon or the bound key, your character will start the Evil Laugh CCE and will change costumes. The phrase will be sent to chat and you will see the targeting circles for summoning your Genin. Click the ground and they will appear. Change the "4" to whatever slot you want 0-4 or 5 for SoA.

As I said, I know it's not exactly what you were hoping for. I hope it helps you out a bit though.

Good Luck

Comic and Hero/Villain Culture
Saturday January 29th, 2005 (12:37 PM) ~ Monday August 9th, 2010
Those Who Lived It Will Remember Long after your Ban Hammer Crumbles and the servers flicker dead.
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