An Ultra Tour of Port Oakes (lots of large inline pics)




Wondering what Ultra Mode looks like with all the bells and whistles turned up? Well, keep wondering, because the pics below don't even include Ambient Occlusion! (Ambient Occlusion is currently not playing well with FSAA {full screen anti-aliasing}, which, IMO, improves the view many times more so than AO. They're working on it with ATI.)

So, here is a tour of Port Oakes with UM on Super Ultra settings.

Tips on viewing:

1. Use F11 for full screen mode viewing (works on FF and IE).

2. Use CTRL+Mousewheel to shrink pics to fit your screen (in FireFox, make sure that Zoom Text Only isn't checked in View > Zoom.

(Permission granted to use these shots in any non-commercial way anyone wants: fan sites, splasher screens, screen savers, etc...)

These pics were taken with an ATI Radeon 5970, which is two 5870s Crossfired (and Crossfire isn't enable yet).

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The faces on the baddies look more realistic. The town does look prettier.



Originally Posted by Gaelic_Reign View Post
The faces on the baddies look more realistic. The town does look prettier.
Actually, those are the photo-realistic faces added for CoV. I've begged to have them available for players, but have had no response either way.

Here are the CoV higher texture faces (and a few legacy ones to show the difference)...

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