What a Long, Strange Trip It's Been
I wouldn't say I have beaten many odds, just cleared enough smoke to know how far my fists can reach. In any time of life, that's generally all you need to know.
An incredible set of events in your life, yet, as mentioned, you're a fighter! Good for you in beating the odds. You obviously were missed!
I am curious... who is the majestic "She" that did these things for you... But it is perfectly fine if that is left a mystery intentionally (I don't need to know what's in the briefcase).
"Hark! I hear distress of... Distressing distressness! Away!" Haha, I'm still laughing from that! ![]() |
As for the mysterious "She." I eluded much detail cause in order to explain who she is, I'd have to go back in the past in middle school. Which my main post was not about that, nor was it something I needed to elaborate on much beyond that unless asked.
She was an old (one of very few) friend of mine in middle school. Saved her butt from being harassed from the more popular guys in school for "getting some" whenever they feel like, some deemed it a blessing, she did not. During this time her parents were getting a divorce and was asked to fly out to France with her grandparents and study to be the fashion designer she wanted to be. Raised with strong morals she could just up and leave me behind since she knew my stepfather is the run-of-the-mill psychopaths with a giant violent streak that has left me for dead more than once. I finally convinced her to go, to forget who I am and where I lived, to vanish from her mind and stop worrying. She vanished for over 8 years.
College came and went and friends I wrote songs for toured Europe, the bassist thought to use the "me too" approach to hit on a girl. Soon they found out that they were both from US, Colorado, and overall knew me. During that time I was already sleeping on steel benches outside my job after everything was taken, same time I closed my account and buried a friend and family dog of 10 years. If the phrase "sight for sore eyes" couldn't define a moment like that, not exactly sure what would.
*offers Cel a tin of gourmet peppermints*
>_>/@ <.<
Dungeoncleaners! (ID#125715): Slay the Adventurers! Rescue the Monsters! Return the Treasure!
Peppermint Cat-- Lv50 Mewtant Ice/Eng Bls
Thanks, I guess? o_O
It felt great two nights ago to run my first TF since I've been back and felt better for the warm welcome back on the Guardian server where I originated from. Needless to say that when I went back to WoW once (I know, my mistake, but I learned from it) it was nowhere near as happy, let alone near any form of neutral responses. Just goes to show you how great the community is here in Paragon City and Rogue Isles.
It felt great two nights ago to run my first TF since I've been back and felt better for the warm welcome back on the Guardian server where I originated from. Needless to say that when I went back to WoW once (I know, my mistake, but I learned from it) it was nowhere near as happy, let alone near any form of neutral responses. Just goes to show you how great the community is here in Paragon City and Rogue Isles.
Hey, thank you for sharing this and welcome back!
I share all your assessments of this game, this development team and this community.
I'm glad that things have changed enough for you to be able to play!
I am curious... who is the majestic "She" that did these things for you... But it is perfectly fine if that is left a mystery intentionally (I don't need to know what's in the briefcase).
"Hark! I hear distress of... Distressing distressness! Away!"
Haha, I'm still laughing from that!
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"-Dylan