New to the server looking for an active sg




Hi all. I am new to Freedom and I am looking for a active SG to join. I have played for a long time, but all of my old friends have moved on. I've played on the server for a few weeks now and like the people I've played with, so I decided to make it my new home. I moved a lvl 50 tank and have started a new toon as well. I am 41 years old and would like to find a group of cool people to hang with. I have no problem do ae missions but would like to play the game also, missions, TFs, ect. So if ya got room for an old guy like me let me know. If you have any questions just pm me. Tks guys.



It sounds like you might want to check out Combat Engineers ( We're a bunch of long time gamers (30- & 40-something) who enjoy playing CoH (and a bunch of other games) for fun. Some of us are "native" to Freedom and others took advantage of the server transfers to make a new home. We organize at least one TF each week and it's always posted on our forums. You're welcome to join a scheduled event any time you want.



Very cool man. As soon as I get home from work I ship ya of an email. Look forward to seeing you in game.



Welcome to Freedom you might want to join the main global channels you can easily find teams and TF's there

Freedom elite, RF2009, and Freedom TF are the ones i know of.

For freedom Elite PST any of the mods: Destiny-Morna, AlienOne, 'Generic Global Name, Coldfate. For the two open ones type /join_chan "rf2009" /join_chan "Freedom TF" or right click in your chat box and choose channel search and join that way.

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Originally Posted by Phillygirl View Post
Welcome to Freedom you might want to join the main global channels you can easily find teams and TF's there

Freedom elite, RF2009, and Freedom TF are the ones i know of.

For freedom Elite PST any of the mods: Destiny-Morna, AlienOne, 'Generic Global Name, Coldfate. For the two open ones type /join_chan "rf2009" /join_chan "Freedom TF" or right click in your chat box and choose channel search and join that way.
I would definitely recommend you speaking with Morna. She's a good friend and one of the oldest players in the game. She'll hook you up

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