Help with picture




Got a guy to a billion, got the monocle and took the picture with the prt scr button. When I went to look that the picutes, they didn't have any of the user interface menus. Most importantly, they didn't have my infamy!

Is there a setting I need to disable/able or another way to take the screen shot.

You'd think a billionaire would know this stuff!

btw- he is level 22 and did it all through marketing, no merits, no AE.



go to your options settings in game and keybindings i believe and then go down till you see screen UI and bind it to a key of your choice. The UI is all the borders like health bars, exp bars, chat windows etc and just make sure that is turned on when you take the pic.



/screenshotui 1

You can check to make sure it's set to 1 with /screenshotui

After you do your cap, then /screenshotui 0