Mercs/Therm as a Debuffer




Just wondering if anyone has tried playing a Mercs/Therm as a debuffer? Might sound crazy but seems like it might work.

Soldier has room for Defensive Debuffs. Spec Ops has room for Defensive Debuffs, & To-Hit Debuffs. Commando has room for Defensive Debuffs, & knockback. I realize normally MM do not want to take personal attacks. How about taking personal attacks, but not as personal attacks. Both Slug, & M 30 can be slotted as knockbacks, & have some procs thown into them. Burst has both Accurate Defensive Debuff, & Defensive Debuff.

& of course Thermal has a few debuffs, plus its shield for protection for minons. Just wondering how effective this would be at lvl 50.



I'm thinking very hard about trying this. Main trouble for me is keeping the MM from getting killed. I might try and work stealth into my build. I've been told the proc from Achilles Heel makes a lot of difference. (But looking on the BM, it also costs an insane fortune in INF).

Fire shields together with a proc can get the soldiers' smashing/lethal resistance up to just over 50%, but then you're at your limit. You can't really raise it any higher. So.... you're going to be doing a lot of healing. Everyone says not to do Serum, and I might take their advice. IDK.

So, if you have any success with this, please do tell. I'm still busy coming up with a name.



You could do it a few things tho.

Heat Exustion I haven't used it on a MM but On my cor its got a long rechage.

Melt Armor is good but agin long rechage

Soldiers are the only one I slot the -res prock in because ALL there attacks have a chance to trigger it.

Spec-Ops: have 2 attacks that can trigger it. (I don't think the snipe has -def) Not worth it IMO I slot them with the unique +resist and +defense IO's then Acc and damage and call it good.

Commando: Agin same thing with spec-ops he only has 1 or 2 attacks that can trigger it sloting him for knockback you could I gess. I stuck the entire Soul Bound set in him.

Personal attacks: I have M30 slotted for KB on mine and it dose a fine job of keeping things off me and my pets. I slotted slug and burst for damage my self.

P.S. DO NOT TAKE SERUM! It's just not worth it. Take it if you want but you'll be respeking out of it later that I can guarantee.

Captain Den'Rath 53* Merk/Traps MM, Rivona 50Energy Blast/Time Cor,Victoria Von Heilwig 53* Dual Pistols/Traps Cor, Crab Spider Webguard 53* SOA, Accela 53* Bot/FF MM,Valkyrie's Executor 53* Broadsword/Shield Def Scrap. On FREEDOM! @Knight Of Bronze
"Hypocrisy, the human inherent." "Let not this work be wasted, apply yourself always."



Please note, the tohit debuff only applies to the Flashbang grenades, which are on a two minute timer.

Slotting defence debuffs, other than procs, isn't really worth it in [Burst] or [Soldiers] since the overall increase to the defence reduction isn't a whole lot.

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Originally Posted by Bronze Knight View Post
P.S. DO NOT TAKE SERUM! It's just not worth it. Take it if you want but you'll be respeking out of it later that I can guarantee.
Good thing i-17 is around the corner then. There's almost always a free spec when they do issues, and i-18 won't be too much longer after it since it's supposed to coincide with the formal release of GR, so might as well put the one from i-17 to good use while it's there.

Cause, you know I've just got to try it, even if it sucks. I have to see it for myself.