Looking for an active villaingroup




hey guys. I started a fire/earth dom and I'm looking for a villain group. I like the ones that are very active and I'm totally cool with getting kicked if I don't log for more than 10 days or something like that. Name's Aeroclasm. I'll be online now for an hour or two so if you see me please invite me.

If not maybe we could arrange a meet in game some time?



The Chronos villain groups are pretty active and have a huge coalition. It's one of the villain groups I've been with the longest. Dark Combat Engineers are a cool one, very laid back compared to most and don't require you to play in super group mode all the time. There are a bunch out there, if you go to port oakes and look for the tallest building, you can go in there and check the super group registrar to see them all.

I was relieved of my previous position for telling the truth. Now I make my living translating the lies of other men.
Global:@Ex Iferis



I second the Chronos coalition. It has been a great group and it has helped me with teaming more than I can even say in a post lol.

" I don't let me kids play on the Freedom Server" -Oya