



Hi, I was wondering if I can be succesful using a fire/energy dom? How good is this combination or how bad is it?

all I know is money $ $



The good; you have a damage aura to compensate for poor aoe; you have some amazing soft control in your secondary, you have probably the best level 4 power in the game, and you get some of the best heavy-hitting powers for dominators that exist. Your single-target mez casts really quickly.

The bad; it's still fire control. If you like hard control or a feeling of safety, fire isn't really bringing it. It brings damage, which is great!~ But it's not going to bring you the kind of lockdown options that other sets like mind or ice give you. Also, the animations in the melee powers are slow. If you don't like knockback, you will really resent this combo over time.

It's a good combo, both parts are powerful. Just go in knowing what you're getting.