Shadow Shard TF Easter Weekend Extravaganza!

Electric Eddie



Because nothing says 'three-day weekend' like good ol' Doctor Q! Anyhow, on April 2nd, 3rd, & 4th, Easter weekend, I am going to be leading all four Shadow Shard Task Forces on the Freedom server. I'll be playing a mix of characters this time around. Dates and times are up first (and PLEASE, read the stuff in red; I won't invite you if you can't follow simple instructions):

  • Friday, April 2nd, 2010, Noon (12:00 pm) EDT: Dr. Quaterfield Task Force. I won't lie; Explorers and Exploiters is one [insert female dog reference here] of a task force. It auto-exemps to 44, almost none of it can be stealthed, there's plenty of killall missions, later on there's those annoying simultaneous glowie-clicks, and the second half of the task force takes place all over the game map. The good news is there's no AVs, but rest assured, it's a looonnnggg task force. Those of you who tough it out will be awarded the Portal Smasher badge. This is one of two TFs I'm running that will allow level 40-43 characters. Merits awarded: 122.
  • Saturday, April 3rd, 2010, Noon (12:00 pm) EDT: Sara Moore Task Force. Weighing in at 15 missions, The Legend of Ruladak takes place mostly in Cascade Archipelago, with a couple trips to Paragon. At the end is a rather large AV named Ruladak the Strong. Upon completion, the Destroyer of Strength badge will be awarded. This is the other TF I'm running that will allow level 40-43 characters. Merits awarded: 64.
  • Saturday, April 3rd, 2010, 8:00 pm EDT: Justin Augustine Task Force. People say The Saga of Faathim is a very long TF, but what they usually don't know is that the majority of it is defeat X and visit location missions (it has the largest mission count of any TF in the game, yet is one of the shortest time wise). All but the penultimate mission are in the Shadow Shard, and there are no AVs that you have to fight. This one is my favorite for socializing, and you'll get the Protector of Kindness badge for finishing. Merits awarded: 42.
  • Sunday, April 4th, 2010, Noon (12:00 pm) EDT: Faathim the Kind Task Force. The last of the Shadow Shard TFs (and the original endgame TF before Statesman came in and took its thunder...), The Saga of Lanaru is pleasantly challenging without being too hard. This one is a bit on the longish side, but that's due to a lot of kill all missions and 5 AVs. The first 2/3 of the TF is in the Shadow Shard, then there's three missions and two deliveries back in Paragon, then the visit locations in the Storm Palace, and then the finale. You'll also come face to face with Malaise, Mother Mayhem, Nemesis?, Baphomet, and Lanaru the Mad. Upon completion, you'll be awarded the Slayer of Madness badge, and they'll even toss in the Demon Slayer badge (complete with Behemoth Overlord gladiator) for defeating Baphomet. Merits awarded: 73.
Those are the basics. But here's a brief FAQ with more specifics:
  • What do I have to do to join your Shard TFs?
    If you are interested in joining, either post here with your global name plus the TF(s) you intend to join, or send me a global tell (@Electric Eddie) with said information. Those people who do so will be put on a list. A half hour before each TF's start time, I'll be in Firebase Zulu by the portals to the other shard zones (except for the non-Shard TFs, as previously noted). If you're on the list, just send me a tell at that time, and I'll simply send the invite. About five minutes later, for about fifteen minutes, I'll send tells/invites to the people on the list in order of signup (in case of overbooking, it's first come, first served). After those fifteen minutes, I'll put up an announcement on the regular Freedom global channels. MAKE SURE YOU HAVE AT LEAST SIX HOURS SET ASIDE FOR THE TASK FORCE YOU'RE SIGNING UP FOR (or in the case of Dr. Quaterfield, make sure you have at least ten hours set aside)! That's my standard disclaimer; they never actually take that long, but it never hurts to have the time set aside. If you sign up for a TF and don't show up or at least send me a tell/unsign, I'm putting you at the bottom of my list for the rest of the weekend (nothing personal, but I've had a couple issues before which I'd like to avoid). My only other rule is that every two hours, we'll take a 10-minute break. The breaks help alleviate stress and I feel makes for a more refreshing experience. (apologies for having to spell things out like this, but unfortunately, I've had to deal with idiots before; on the upside, if you've read this far, you're probably not an idiot )
  • What is this "Shadow Shard" that you speak of?
    Go to Peregrine Island and open up your map. You'll find the entrance to the Shard at the north end of the island. The Shadow Shard is a pocket dimension created by the Midnight Squad to contain a really powerful entity. It's now a broken world, with the land now bunches of floating islands. Not much is known beyond that, but there are some excellent threads with theories, some good information at Paragon Wiki, and the clues in the Sara, Justin, and Faathim TFs are good reads. Plus, there's some further clues in the Issue 12 content. Hopefully, the Devs will give the Shard the same treatment as the old RCS, while still maintaining its current missions, TFs (except possibly a shortened Dr. Quaterfield), and unique geography.
  • So why are you doing this?
    If you guys haven't figured it out yet, I'm crazy! Actually, it's because I love the Shadow Shard, and the Shard TFs are the toughest to do simply because it's difficult to get 8 people together for them (also, I have a secret agenda of getting more people interested in the Shard and therefore getting the Shard some Dev attention ).
  • But don't you already have all the Shard TF badges?
    Yes, I do. In fact, I've led all four of the Shard TFs numerous times, so I actually know what I'm doing for once. But there are things other than the TF badges to work on.
  • Like what?
    The most obvious one is XP if you're under 50. The second most obvious are the Merit Rewards. Also, there are lots of Fake Nemeses and Overseerers for the Unveiler and Visionary badges, respectively (plus the Circle and Crey are all a predominant faction in one TF each; plenty of mages and protectors). One of the Dimensional Warder AVs, Malaise, makes an appearance (Mother Mayhem isn't required), as well as Baphomet (who does give out both the Demon Slayer badge and the accompanying Behemoth Overlord gladiator). Plenty of Vanguard Merits can be earned (assuming you've done Levantera's first mission and received the associated badge) during the Faathim TF. You can also work on Influence and Debt badges (yay, Trendsetter; next up: I'm going to be Popular!). You'll be able to nab some rare salvage and recipes. Influence and Prestige rates are pretty darn good during the TFs. A newer feature is the unlockable Rularuu weapons. Finally, they're just plain fun to do.
  • But I've heard that these TFs are looonnnggg... Is it true they can take upwards of 12 hours?
    I suppose, if you have a completely incompetent pickup group, then yeah, it can take that long. But the point of this thread is to avoid the PuG crowd. In the Shard TFs I've led, none of them have taken longer than 4 1/2 hours (excluding the evil Quaterfield TF, and even then, it's only taken about 6 hours for me in my past Extravaganzas). And making sure people have set aside plenty of time beforehand all but ensures that it'll be done in good time and that we'll have fun in the process.
  • What level do I have to be?
    Anybody level 44 and above can join, and in the case of the Dr. Quaterfield TF and the Sara Moore TF, anybody level 40 and above can join. For the Dr. Quaterfield TF, anybody above level 44 will be auto-exemplared to level 44, but for the others, there is no auto-exemplar, so level 50s will stay level 50.
  • What's with Dr. Quaterfield?
    You know, ever since the changes to exemplaring (you have all powers 5 levels above the exemplar level; this means you'll have all your powers) and TF experience (levels 45-49 will now earn XP during the TF), Dr Q is not quite as bad as he used to be. It's still long and still has those problems with the second half of the TF, but at least he gives you a metric buttload of reward merits at the end. And the Soldiers of Rularuu do drop magic salvage.
  • What about Imperious/Flagg/Kahn/Silos/The Lady Grey/Statesman?
    It's a short weekend, and I only have room for the four Shard TFs this time. The others will be back in future runs, though.
It's a bit shorter than usual, but [insert lame Easter Bunny joke here]. If you have any questions or comments, please reply. If I forgot anything or made any errors, I'll edit this post. I look forward to running these with you.

Keep flying,

MA Arc #315097: Reflections of Your Desire (custom characters, canon related, drama, story-driven arc): The Reflections are starting to do things... odd things. This takes place entirely in the Shadow Shard, ending in the bizarre Garden of Memories.



I'll be there for all four TFs, @Paragon



I will be there for all 4. @BlueBullet2.2

would you prefer me to bring a lv 50 kat/regen or a kin/archery defender(40 right now but can easily hit 44 by friday)?



I'm in for Faathim! @Raging Strength. I can bring a kin, ill/rad, stoner, scrapper, or empath.