Earth / Thorns




Alright, so I just got back after being gone for roughly a year.

First off, let me say, HUZZAH! I remember now why I loved this game so much. Now, that being said- ALTITIS!

One of my projects I had begun last year was an Earth/Thorn Dominator. The story I came up with is awesome, with the new power customization, he is everything I wanted him to look like.

Unfortunately, I have little to no experience with the Thorny Assault set.

I've heard Thorntrops are good, bad, ugly, useful, 'clone of caltrops' etc.
The most common argument I hear for these is that they're good if you have a way to keep enemies from leaving the area, but that doesn't also negate mitigation. Quicksand/Earthquake/Stone Cages/Stalagmites/Volcanic Gasses seem like they would enable me to do some interesting things with Thorntrops.

I searched the forum but got no returns on this subject- and I would be most appreciative of advice from anyone who has perhaps tried this combo.

I love it thus far (lv 23 as of writing this).



Thorntrops is a Caltrops clones, that's it.

With yous AoE Stun, quicksand, earthquake, I don't see how Caltrops can be very effective, their radius is so small... I skipped it on my Plant/Thorns and my Em/Nin Stalker, I only liked it for my Fire/Traps Corr because of the Caltrops+Rain of Fire combo so it slowed the enemies more to get hit by Rof, Acid Mortar, PGT...

Earth/Thorns seems like a great combo, basically all your attacks and controls do -defense and you can slot some Achiles Heel -res procs on the thorny attacks.

My P/T felt like a Spines scrapper with controls, and I liked having Aid Self for her because I was always in melee. But I deleted her, when I played her doms didn't do the damage they do now outside of domination, got her to 37 and I liked all the /Thorns powers except for Throntrops which I couldn't find a use for, and I never got Thorn Barrage, the 38 power, but never heard very great things about it like say, Blaze.

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