Cast times
Longest cast time is 20s, for the base raid 'Deploy Pylon' power. But base raids aren't available.
After that is 17s cast time, for things like Pocket D VIP Pass, Mission Teleport, Base Teleporter, etc.
The Particle Cannon from the Abandoned Sewers trial has a 15.67s cast time.
Black Market/WW teleporters have a 15s cast time.
Self Destruct has a 10s cast time. (Really?!?!)
Finally, the longest in-set cast time is Time Bomb, in Traps, at 9s.
Edit: It looks like the slowest attack, for players (which isn't a nuke or snipe/AS) is Propel, from Gravity Control, at 3.5s
Edit2: For the opposite question (fastest, barring auto powers), it looks like Hibernate is the fastest casting player power, at 0.07s, with Gambler's Cut as the fastest attack (0.67s)
Oh, there are nukes which are slower than Propel, but I figured you'd want to exclude them.
Propel may be the slowest attack in the game but 0h-so-worth-it.
Smacking a Freakshow Tank in the noggin with a pool table just
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Mission Architect Handyman