*Pokes Virtue*




Dude you left? Then came back? What's next Bosco?

Jack Wolfe Prototype Super Tank, over 25 million in damage taken in the service of others
My 360 hates me and writes about it
Jack's X-Box's Blog
I will love the light for it shows me the way, yet I will endure the darkness for it shows me the stars. ---Og Mandino---



Hiya, Kurse. How's it goin'?

An' watch out if yer gonna poke Virtue -- if ya fall asleep afterwards, she'll steal yer wallet an' get gone.



If Bosco comes back do I have to give back all the corndogs?

Welcome home Kurse

Part of Sister Flame's Clickey-Clack Posse

The English language is an intricate high-speed precision tool.Stop using it to bang open coconuts. ~Tokamak
Dark_Respite's Video page



hehe Man I heard that Boscoe was Coming Back... But that might have just been a way to increase stock in the Corndog Market

Thanks guys for the awesome welcome.. I Missed you guys tremendously!! now to make certain Saul doesn't Go Rogue on Big A!

The Xan man! glad to know you are still around!! will look you up on Virtue this week I hope!

Kurse Darkstone
Station Manager for RadioFTW!
Member of the Legion Of Freedom!
Proud member of the Paragonian Knights



Originally Posted by THE_Kurse View Post
The Xan man! glad to know you are still around!! will look you up on Virtue this week I hope!
I'll keep an eye out for you. What's your global now? I only came back myself just under a year ago and my globals had reset.



Weird. Hey, Xanatos, add me too. We have to catch up sometime.



My global list got wiped out a while back. It's still @Bayani



Hmm, this Kurse character appears to have landed in my SG.

*activates the base sensors*

Best keep an eye on him...

Twipper aka Shaw Lwhon



Originally Posted by Bayani View Post
My global list got wiped out a while back. It's still @Bayani
What he really means is he KICKED you from his global list! I saw him do it!

The City Scoop Art Correspondent/Writer "ART IS IN THE EYE OF THE BEHOLDER"//"Don't hate because VexXxa is HOT and you're NOT." - JOHNNYKAT



Originally Posted by VexXxa View Post
What he really means is he KICKED you from his global list! I saw him do it!
Don't listen to VexXxa. She eats paste with her bagel every morning.



Originally Posted by Bayani View Post
Don't listen to VexXxa. She eats paste with her bagel every morning.

The City Scoop Art Correspondent/Writer "ART IS IN THE EYE OF THE BEHOLDER"//"Don't hate because VexXxa is HOT and you're NOT." - JOHNNYKAT



I want my global added too

we should start a new chat channel for all us longtime/old timers.

-Pogoman, Master of Kick-Fu
-Co-Leader and recruiting officer of the Virtue Honor Guard
- lvl 50 ma/sr scrapper
-Ace O' Diamonds lvl 50 fire/rad controller
and waaaay to many other alts to mention right now



Leave a twenny on the dresser >.>



*pokes back*

Welcome back!

*wonders if the brownies need to be hidden*

"If I fail, they write me off as another statistic. If I succeed, they pay me a million bucks to fly out to Hollywood and fart." --- George A. Romero
"If I had any dignity, that would have been humiliating" --- Adam Savage
Virtue Server: Kheprera, Malefic Elf, Lady Omen, Night Rune, La Muerte Roja, Scarab Lafayette, Serena Ravensong, Kyrse, and Arachnavoodoo among others.



Originally Posted by the_kurse View Post
what we gonna call it pogo? The "get off my lawn" channel??

what??!!?? Speak up dangnabbit!!

-Pogoman, Master of Kick-Fu
-Co-Leader and recruiting officer of the Virtue Honor Guard
- lvl 50 ma/sr scrapper
-Ace O' Diamonds lvl 50 fire/rad controller
and waaaay to many other alts to mention right now