Dark extraction failure




Anyone know what the percentages are for success on dark extraction? Or are there certain types of enemies that you can't use it for? Seems like every so often, I will run into a stretch where it fails on me a few times.



as far as i know, it should work 100% of the time, but i havent gotten a WS high enough to use it in over a year, so i dont know if they changed anything but i havent read of any changes in patch notes



Originally Posted by Necrotech_Master View Post
as far as i know, it should work 100% of the time, but i havent gotten a WS high enough to use it in over a year, so i dont know if they changed anything but i havent read of any changes in patch notes
Ok, thanks, that's what I thought too....maybe it's just animation lag or I fired it off too late or something so that I'm not hitting the dead enemy in time for the extraction.



the only time it *might* fail is if you fire it off just as the NPCs body was despawning, otherwise it should work 100% of the time



Originally Posted by Necrotech_Master View Post
the only time it *might* fail is if you fire it off just as the NPCs body was despawning, otherwise it should work 100% of the time
Yeah, if the body despawns before the pet is out, you won't get it, but should get the pet every time if the body is still there. Soul extraction from MM set works like that to. Not played my WS in a while, but I remember some enemies despawn a lot faster than others.....don't remember what though since that's the only toon I play that I pay attention to dead bodies lol.



Thanks for the info guys, that makes a lot of sense. Now that you've mentioned that, I see that's exactly what happened. I triggered dark extraction on a dead enemy but the target de-spawned before the extraction completed.