Nightly TF Gammit




Howdy Infinity,

I just wanted to invite anyone who was looking for something to do in the later evenings to a nightly run of co-op task forces. The Jackal Sons host an ITF every night between 8-8:30pm PST, followed by an LGTF. The combined runs typically take us about an hour and a half or less. If you are on between those times and are interested in chipping in you can contact me @helhound2 or one of the other hosts @lyndsay or @earths warrior. We start broadcasting around 8pm. Spots are first come first serve. We are also open to other task forces upon request if time permits.



That sounds like fun. 8 PST is 11 EST for me, and that's not too late. Do you advertist on any particular channel, or do you broadcast? I'll look for your recruiting. My global is @MsCats or @MsCats2.



We broadcast on the Server channels, such as the Request/Help, Architect, Arena and Broadcast channels, as well as our coalition and private channels. The spots fill quick but we usually dont have the same people for the 2nd and 3rd TFs(if we get to that point), so if you dont make it on to the first TF we might still have room for you on the subsequent ones.