Looking for Vidiotmaps Mac map overlay




Originally Posted by Zato View Post

Installed the map pack. Immediately after installing could not get to log in screen, just black screen, forever. Next launch I told it to verify files, which it did. Still black screen. Being a CPU repair technician for 20+ years I did all the basic repairs and file checks, then deleted the COH app (forgot my screenshots were in there so there goes my whole pic history unfortunately) and tried to re-install. The installer did not work. I finally had to make invisible files viewable and delete everything connected with the game (system files, prefs, et). The installer is working now and the long DL install is in process. Don't know what the problem is but the game does not like something installed by the Mac version map pack. I'm running the newest operating system, everything totally updated.
Same thing happened to me. To fix it, I deleted the MAPS & V_MAPS folders from the game folders. The game seems to be running fine now but I'd still like to use the map pack. I'd download Crossover and go that way, but this is my wife's machine and she gets upset when I install new programs.