Too much Influence not enough Infamy!

Phantom Patriot



Harroo Defiants!

Well, I have ammassed a decent amount of cash on Blueside, but not a lot on Redside (probably cos I have a few more toons Blueside)

And I need Infamy, I's want's its'!

So, anyone Villain on Defiant would like to exchange their dirty Infamy for some rightous Influence?

I'm looking to trade around 2-3 million
(small potatoes I know, but I just need a kick-start)

in-game: @Phantom Patriot

Thanks very muchly so in advance!



Sure I can help. What time you are online?

Prunejuice is warriors drink.



Thanks Zach, sorted now. A very generous gentleman gave me 18 million?

Yeah, I know, I just finished cleaning my trousers!

I am usually on-line from around midday - midnight, everday more or less (not having a job is great) either Red or Blue side. If you want to hook up for a Team or some such, I'm always game!

Hit me up @Phantom Patriot!