Great Blasters - 5 years as an Altaholic




After playing every Archetype and about 200+ toons later,
some only to level 20, others past 40, I would like to share
some observations and perhaps save someone else the
time it took me to learn some of these interesting builds.

I'm not going into great detail. There is lots of information
on most of the archetypes in the forums. I'm just going
to mention a few types I found to work real well and why,
and a pointer or two in the build.

All primary and secondary powers in the hands of a good
player can work well, BUT there are some power combinations
that work better. It is usually because the primary and secondaries
work better together, they have a certain synergy. A good example
would be the power RAIN OF FIRE combined with a slowing power like SHIVER.
This game has many such synergies and I have spent years experimenting with them.
All Archetypes have them and they are there to discover.
Here are some of the best:


Fire/Ice Blaster (Damage, Synergy and Defense)
This is my all-time favourite. It's a good balance of damage and damage
mitigation. Rain of fire works beautifully with the ice slowing powers such
as shiver. Build up works well with the 3 other AoE (Area of Effect) powers.
This build works great solo or on team. Typical attack sequence: Hit a group with
If you're on a team with a controller that holds the enemies go with rain of fire

Ice/Devices (A sneakier blaster)
Arguably the most powerful single target blaster with some good AoE as well.
This one is great for keeping the enemy at arms length. I have played
blappers (blaster-scrapper) in the past, but I find killing your enemies at
range is preferable and with less dying. This one can be played like the Fire/Ice
blaster going toe-to-toe out in the open with the enemy, but you can also
kill enemies without even seeing them - If you are inside somewhere, place
a trip mine or 2 near a door opening or corner, place some CALTROPS behind
these, now pull or better yet teleport an enemy (see power pool). If more enemies come they will hit
the mines. Now throw some more CALTROPS (if recharged. need to slot for recharge)
under them and hit them with ICE STORM. Of course later you can also use BLIZZARD
and GUN DRONE as well.

Ice/Ice (Blaster/Controller)
Here is a blaster that has some control powers. Similar to the Fire/Ice blaster,
what you gain in added control, you lose somewhat in damage.

Ice/Energy (Blapper)
OK, for those that just want to melee with enemies, here ya go.
The ice has 2 holds that can stack to even hold a boss.
The energy secondary has more than 2 stun attacks that can stack
(stun, total focus, bone smasher). POWER BOOST will increase
the duration of your holds making you more effective.
TIP: Try to hold an enemy with a range hold before coming up
to it to hit it with melee attack if possible. BONE SMASHER has
only a 60% chance of working so use STUN or TOTAL FOCUS
first if possible if holding with melee. POWER THRUST is great for
knocking back an enemy that gets to close. Follow this with FREEZE



My appologies for this post.
I will post more tactfully and minimully in future.



No need to apologize here. The reaction on the scrapper board is uniquely scrapperish. Your intent is noble. You want to share the joy of your alts. You just misjudged the audience a little over there.

It's all good, man.