Base building questions




I know there is a item called Super Computer for Super control for the control room
I got enough space for it. I got enough to pay for it. the problem is the system dose not allow to build it. what I am doing on and why. I added three kinds of work stations. Not one gave me the option to build it
what do I do to correct it?



Dude, this is like the third thread you've created asking the same question. People have answered you each time. The answer's been the same, every time.

Have people sidekick each other in your supergroup in SG mode for a total of 5 hours to get the badge. That unlocks the supercomputer.

See Here


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Originally Posted by Cende View Post
Make sure you have the Super Computer badge in the Achievements section of your Supergroup Badge Listing. If you don't have it, it's the one for 5 hours of mentoring while in SG mode.

Once you've got it, the computer unlocks.
thats hard my charactor is kinda like atr lev 21 or something like that. thanks for the info I try it out



It's not hard at all - anyone can play with lower level players, and that counts for the mentoring badge. I had it in my SG before I was level 15.

Any time you spend as team leader with lower level players, you earn time on the mentoring badge. Just make sure you're in supergroup mode.

And now that you've been answered, PLEASE stop asking the same question.

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