test server




Just wondering if anyone knows how to get on the test server for a mac er download it rather. I downloaded the .dmg and the program opens but after afew second it says its not responding. anyone help me out?

Positron's i13 letter: We are trying to make PvP more accessible to new players, while giving experienced PvP'ers the advantage that comes with formulating tactics around the new systems we're putting in place. PvP from now on will be on our priority list. If something isn't working out, we'll be in there tweaking it and making it work, for the entire future of the product, not just Issue 13.



Mac forum --->

They can answer your questions better.

(I am amused that "PC_guy" is asking how to get on Test with his Mac. Yes, I know Macs are "Personal Computers" and therefore PCs as well, but the death-match is PCs vs Macs. :x )

Paragon Wiki: http://www.paragonwiki.com
City Info Terminal: http://cit.cohtitan.com
Mids Hero Designer: http://www.cohplanner.com
Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



i posted in both to see if i could get a reply abit quicker. i know cross posting is bad but 2 posts wont kill anyone.

Positron's i13 letter: We are trying to make PvP more accessible to new players, while giving experienced PvP'ers the advantage that comes with formulating tactics around the new systems we're putting in place. PvP from now on will be on our priority list. If something isn't working out, we'll be in there tweaking it and making it work, for the entire future of the product, not just Issue 13.



i play on a mac and I have a working test server on my mac

-It took a couple of hours to for the server to upload onto the computer for the first time. After that first looooooong upload, it uploads like normal (a few minutes every new update).

-The test server has been down for certain windows of time for the past few days. It may have been that you tried to log in during one of those downtimes.

-If you still can't get it to work, @manga is like our mac version God. He's a triumph lurker and you'll be able to find him on TW 2.0 quite often. Send him a tell ingame or a PM on the forums and he usually gets back to you immediately with help. His forum name is cuppamanga

I'm still at work, but I'll try to log onto test server when I get home. I'll let you know if it works.

Triumph Lurker: mintmiki 50 emp/archer
basically, if you see a miki on Triumph, it's probably cute and it's probably me.

Huge thanks to cuppamanga and all the folks in the mac help forum for prolonging my borrowed time on this game.