Faathim Task Force Feb 6th 8am PST/11AM EST
I'll take a spot on that Jag. I've got a little of everything AT-wise, so just let me know what we can most use when the time comes, and I'll bring someone along for it.
�Life's hard. It's even harder when you're stupid.� ― John Wayne
�Just think of how stupid the average person is, and then realize half of them are even stupider!� - George Carlin
ok, umann. i will speak to you in game about what might be needed. but anything should be ok.
1. Stonejaguar - tank
2. Umann - whatever he brings...
Still need people for this task force... plenty of merits for a reward plus the bulk of the visionary badge can be got. Not to mention your debt badges...
I'd like to give it a shot. It's a good day/time for me. I'd like to bring a 50 scrapper.
@capn toad
Thanks CA.
1. SJ - tank
2. Umann - ???
3. CrushingAbyss - scrapper
This means plenty of room still for this TF.
success! 2 hours 40ish minutes
3 scrappers
3 trollers
thanks to those who joined
Thx for the invite, I didn't know you had this planned. >.>
Anyways, was a lot of fun, even though I had to keep my scrapperlock under control for the first few mishs...Damn Rularuu.
Hey Champion...
I need to do the Shadow Shard Task Forces on my tank. Gonna start with Faathim the Kind's Task Force.
With that said, I need people to join me. I need any and all AT/Powersets. I am reserving 2 spots besides my own for members of my SG/Alliance, but the other 5 spots I am giving to anyone needing it.
I am NOT wanting to 'speed' this to get it done ASAP. I dont want to do it slow either. Standard run. So if you want to speed it, don't say you wanna join.
I am bringing my lv45 Shields/Elec Tank.
1. Havoc Droid. Shield/Elec tank
2. Reserved TBA
3. Reserved TBA
Expect this to take at LEAST 4 hours.