Pimp my mission arc!
Mission 3 has been added, any feedback would be much appreciated.
Most players won't want to help you mess about with the mechanics this way until there's at least a solid story set down and all the missions are there, which means having a more-or-less finished arc. If anything, that's your job, your choices to make at this stage in the creation, you have to decide if those crates look right or not, etc. There's really no other way to do a good arc (that I know of) than to test, retest, check, recheck and play it so much that you get sick of it. It does pay off though when you get good ratings.
Here's how I usually do this: I cobble up all my missions in an arc while ignoring text/story and run it enough times during testing phase (can I see these crates? Is this the best possible map for what I want? etc.). Once that's done I publish it and write something in the description the player sees like "I'm still working on this so if you play it you'll be disappointed so stay off my lawn you damn kids!" Then as I keep testing it and adding in the story text (and making changes as well), I'm earning tickets and XP. This is the best part of this deal.
Thanks for the feedback. The arc is very playable at the moment, full text for all the intros and exits from each mish, proper nav text, speech from NPCs etc. The 'story' as it were, is fully functional as a 3 piece arc and really wouldn't require any more missions to be complete, they were just additional ideas I wanted to develop.
So while I want to add a couple more missions, the arc is essentially in a finished state. That said, as it is the first arc I have worked with, I am really interested in any feedback people might have to offer. If I have any bad habits for the text, or in game objectives (something that stands out alright to me, may not to someone else) I would love to get to break those habits before I start in on more arcs down the line.
I do appreciate at least getting a response of some sort however.
Oh, ok, I see - my mistake.
Without playing it, I'd offer this advice (as I like tight stories) - why add the other two if the story is wrapped up in the first three?
Also, since the arc is pretty much done, you should post in the 'Mission Architect: Stories & Lore' section to look for feedback, not in this one.
Good luck!
Well, I restarted my account recently for CoH and decided to tinker around with the AE mission arc creator. If anyone is interested in checking out what I have done so far and offering critique/feedback I would be appreciative. Heck... if you wanted to toss a rating my way at the end that would be super too.
That said, it is a work in progress. I had 2 mish's done and plan 4 to 5, so I am more looking for people to check technical things instead of the story itself. Does everything flow ok, objectives easy to understand etc. In mish 2 I used Rikti crates in a warehouse that has a lot of other crates... I think they're easy enough to see the difference, but want to see if anyone else considers them too difficult to find amidst the others etc. Also in mish 2 I have some polish to add, currently all 3 crates are generic and the groups around them say the same things... same goes for the hostages you have to rescue. I would like to make each a specific objective with their own text and such, but that's just polish I can come back and change later after I have the meat of the arc done.
Arc ID 370403
Author @Zen Lexicon
Title Freakshow Betrayal
If anyone has interest and time I would love if you could play through it then pop back here and leave me some feedback. In game feedback options seem a bit limiting and such, I much prefer a message board format. Thanks to anyone who takes the time to check it out!
Edit: The enemies are freakshow, so if you don't like fighting them, skip it! Also any comments on story text that seems awkward or unclear would be great if you notice any.