A quick question.




So I am sitting here at work watching a couple videos posted up on youtube and in one of the videos the player who was recording had a sidebar which kept track of his/her in game infulence. I have heard of something like this before but he person I heard this from quit the game due to money issues before I could get a chance to ask how he did it. Is this done by macro, bind or something else im not aware of?



You can access/track this by opening the power window, clicking "combat attributes" located at the very top (above all of your powers) and influence/infamy is listed towards the bottom of the "base" section.

If you right-click on infamy (or influence) a pop-up box appears giving you the option to monitor it. You can then move that box anywhere on your in-game screen.

I can monitor up to 10 different combat attributes. For example, some people like to monitor their positional and/or typed defenses to see when and if they are soft-capped in combat.

Hope that helps.


@Llewthor, @Llewthor2



Thank you for the help Llewthor, I have never noticed it before and I am in the combat attributes window all the time checking my attributes while IOing my characters. I have looked in the base section before but I guess I never knew you could click and drag those items, so much for reading the patch notes I guess (if this option was in the notes to begin with)