So you might have seen my listing for the SG Triumph Trisortion in the appropriate thread, but I'm really beginning to have doubts about whether a casual player with no real log schedule (being me, of course), should have made it in the first place.
I figure that I need to interact with other players somehow, but would just joining a SG be a better idea (like I have with Meta)?
EDIT: I've decided to not really worry that much about it and just have fun. Just ignore this topic.
So you might have seen my listing for the SG Triumph Trisortion in the appropriate thread, but I'm really beginning to have doubts about whether a casual player with no real log schedule (being me, of course), should have made it in the first place.
I figure that I need to interact with other players somehow, but would just joining a SG be a better idea (like I have with Meta)?
EDIT: I've decided to not really worry that much about it and just have fun. Just ignore this topic.