Optimal generic attack frankenslotting
I usually prioritize A/D/R enhans at the cost of some E, the trade off is gonna be more e lost than a d r gained but since my 2 mains are /elec and /wp e isnt that important =)
I do want to make sure people understand that this isn't what optimal slotting is actually about. Generally speaking, you want ED-capped damage, but then simply enough accuracy, recharge and endurance to work in the context of your build and your attack chain. Then you're sticking in a proc, or saving a slot or two, or picking up set bonuses, or what have you.
That said, this seems like an amusing theoretical exercise, and knowing how to do this IS helpful. I don't think I can beat your numbers though. The one thing I'm not sure if you've tried is a Nucleolus. The level 53 Nucleolus beats everything but purple triples for total enhancement value. It looks like this is the progression:
79.5% - purple triple
76.6% - level 53 Nucleolus
74.2% - regular quad
66.3% - purple double
63.6% - regular triple
53.0% - regular double
42.4% - regular single
However, since the Nucleolus is acc/dam, and quads must come with accuracy and damage, and the triples with accuracy OR damage, I think the ED caps mean that the Nucleolus will always hurt your total.
"That's because Werner can't do maths." - BunnyAnomaly
"Four hours in, and I was no longer making mistakes, no longer detoggling. I was a machine." - Werner
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i can get
80.94% acc
96.30% dmg
96.30% end red
80.94% rech
with the end red and rech being swapped
crushing impact:
dmg/end (dmg/rech for 96.30 rech)
Makos bite:
i use that for most of my single targets
the same enhancements can be used for ranged but you just need to sub the acc/end/rech for the lvl 40 decimation instead of having a lvl 50 which puts the stats at:
rech:79.23(96.01 with dmg/rech)
dmg/end or (dmg/rech)
edited for additional info
I know often times you're better off slotting for set bonuses, but this was mainly just a thought experiment for times when your secondary doesn't really need a lot of help to be great (I.E. SR) or cases when global recharge isn't too big of a deal. Also some attacks are good enough that you honestly just want to get the most out of them (Like Siphon Life.) In fact, I believe I have you to thank, Werner, for my current favorite SL slotting, so props for that.
The main place this idea came up was in a build that was pretty great with minimal IOs, in this case a Dark/SR Stalker, who can be softcapped with just the Steadfast Protection unique, and doesn't gain THAT much from global recharge bonuses, and I managed to get Midnight Grasp slotted like this while still maintaining softcap, and also hitting capped HP, 350% regen, and 2 seconds off of perma-Hasten, and similar slotting in smite with a small shift to accommodate the Hecatomb proc.
One other thing I've noticed is that similar slotting works great for leveling brutes. My Fire/SD is at 30, and only has 4 slots in each of his attacks, but by slotting the four triples in each attack, he never runs out of endurance, has a very fast and cohesive attack chain, and shreds opponents. By the time he hits 40, I'll respec him and build to the softcap, but this style slotting is something I wish I had known before, as it's made leveling him much smoother and faster.
Yeah, there are some attacks and other powers that are so critical that I think frankenslotting is a better idea than worrying about set bonuses. Siphon Life is one of them, as you say.
And yeah, I do the budget version of this while leveling. Usually some time in the mid 30s, I frankenslot purely for the enhancement values, ignoring set bonuses. I generally do it to take care of endurance problems while picking up the recharge for a good attack chain. I'm not spending a lot of influence, so I'm not ED-capping everything, but I'm getting MUCH more than I'd get out of SOs, for MUCH less than I'd spend on good sets.
"That's because Werner can't do maths." - BunnyAnomaly
"Four hours in, and I was no longer making mistakes, no longer detoggling. I was a machine." - Werner
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I like this thread... it's actually an interesting process to work though.
I'll add that if you have to give up something, endurance is usually what I give up. Endurance has significant diminishing returns.
If an attack costs 10 End and is used every 5 seconds that's 2 end/s that attack costs you:
00% EndRed = 10/5s = 2.0 end/s
33% EndRed = 7.5/5s = 1.5 end/s
66% EndRed = 6.0/5s = 1.2 end/s
96% EndRed = 5.1/5s = 1.02 end/s
So you can see when I'm trying to cut down the cost of an attack chain, there's a big difference between no EndRed and 1 SO's worth. But the 2nd SO's worth and 3rd SO's worth are helping less and less overall.
note: I didn't show my work for how endred is applied. Here's a sample:
33% EndRed = 10 endurance * (1/1+0.33) = 7.5 endurance
I gotta make pain. I gotta make things right. I gotta stop what's comin'. 'Least I gotta try.
By the way, thanks for the endurance math, Shred. Usually I'm all about the numbers, but for some reason I've never crunched end, and now you've saved me the effort
I'm one of the guys who likes my cake and being able to eat it too. Anyone got a favorite franken-slotting set that gets as close to the caps as possible while also maybe getting in a set bonus or two?
Well, all of Motley Cruel's examples DO pull off a set bonus or two. As far as end game frankenslotting on my actual characters, Alexei slotted Dark Regeneration with:
Armageddon: acc/rechFor:
L53 Golgi Exposure
Theft of Essence: chance for +endurance
Numina's Convalescence: end/rech, heal/rech and heal/end/rech
33% Accuracy (OK because of other set bonuses, Kismet and Tactics)And Sergei slotted Siphon Life with:
84% Endurance Discount (plus Theft of Essence recovers endurance)
84% Heal
96% Recharge
12% Regeneration
1.87% Hit Points
L53 Nucleolus ExposureFor:
L53 Golgi Exposure
Hecatomb: dam/rech
Numina's Convalescence: heal/end, heal/rech and heal/end/rech
38% Accuracy (OK because of other set bonuses, Kismet and Tactics)
71% Damage
84% Endurance Discount
97% Heal
78% Recharge
12% Regeneration
1.87% Hit Points
"That's because Werner can't do maths." - BunnyAnomaly
"Four hours in, and I was no longer making mistakes, no longer detoggling. I was a machine." - Werner
Videos of Other Stupid Scrapper Tricks
for melee...
a/d - CI
a/d/r - CI
a/d/e - CI
d/e/r - CI
d/r - CI
a/e/r - Mako
which gives me...
88.07 acc
97.49 dam
63.60 end
88.07 rech
15.1 HP, 7% Acc and 5% Rech
Or (something that don't require recharge)
a/d - Mako
a/d/e/r - Mako
proc - Mako
d/e - Mako
a/d - Nucleolus
proc/-res - or anything else usefull the power could take
77.51 acc
95.73 dam
45.05 end
18.55 rech
20.1 HP and 3% Dam along with a couple of procs...
With a standard attack, enhancements are usually focused in 4 areas- accuracy, damage, recharge, and endurance. I made it my goal to see the highest values I could get for all of them in a 6 slotted attack, and I managed to pull off the same for all but ranged AOEs:
95.90 Accuracy
95.90 Damage
95.90 Recharge
95.11 Endurance
This was achieved using two quads and one of each triple. For example, for single target melee attacks, the slotting used was:
Mako's Bite: A/D/E/R
Gladiator's Strike: A/D/E/R
Gladiator's Strike: A/E/R
Gladiator's Strike: D/E/R
Crushing Impact: A/D/E
Hecatomb: A/D/R
Obviously, this is ridiculously expensive and can only be done one time thanks to the purple, but the purple can be replaced with a Crushing Impact A/D/R and those stats only lose .79% enhancement value, which is essentially unnoticeable. However, for those of you on a budget, and especially due to the rarity of PVP IOs, here's a more bank friendly slotting:
Mako's Bite: A/D/E/R
Mako's Bite: A/E/R
Crushing Impact: A/D/R
Crushing Impact: A/E/R
Crushing Impact: D/E/R
Pulverizing Fisticuffs: A/D/E/R
Which still nets you:
92.31 Accuracy
92.31 Damage
92.31 Recharge
92.31 Endurance
My query is this: Can anyone find any ways to improve slotting even further, or achieve comparable results with fewer slots?
Also, for ranged and PBAOE attacks, PVP IOs must be used due to a lack of quads (ranged) and A/E/Rs (PBAoE). PBAoEs which have a secondary effect such as To-Hit Debuff can surmount this obstacle with an A/E/R. As for Ranged AoEs... well the sets available are kind of lame, and I couldn't achieve nearly as good of numbers. Here are the slotting options for Ranged and PBAoE
Devastation: A/D/E/R
Gladiator's Javelin: A/D/E/R
Gladiator's Javelin: A/E/R
Apocalypse: A/D/R
Thunderstrike: A/D/E
Thunderstrike: D/E/R
Obliteration: A/D/E/R
Armageddon: A/D/R
Scirocco's Dervish: A/D/E
Multi Strike: D/E/R
Fury of the Gladiator: A/D/E/R
Fury of the Gladiator: A/E/R
Also, what are the best numbers anyone has figured out for Ranged AoEs?