Any Europeans?




Greetings and good morrow.
So, I've finally decided to give this ol' game another spin after having given up on the european servers a year ago, and a peculiar thought struck me.

A full month of game time weighs in at $14.99.
A new shiney US account, with a free booster and actual people playing weighs in at a whopping $19.99...

Now, I'm not rocket scientist, but that sounds like a pretty solid deal right there.
Sure, the magic thingy is a handy booster pack, but that's not really it.
$5 for a populated server booster pack? Now that's awesome!

The catch tho, because there's always a catch, is that it's US time. Being european, this presents a small... Shall we say... Obstacle.

So, just a quick shout out, are there any other euro's around, so I have someone to play with on this, my second crack at the game?




But the real catch with that shiny booster you advertise is loss of all characters, SG, friends, vet rewards, all booster packs you already bought and all prepaid months when you switch from EU to US that way.

Which is why some of us still hope for a merge of the server lists so people with both versions of the game can play on US and EU servers as they please.



That's not a stupid decision at all,
coming from a player who spent 3 years in EU and experienced both of the English servers. I have been playing here for the past 15 and something months.

Think there may be some EU refugee channels, but I haven't really researched that. Nevertheless, I have found that these servers (especially this particular one) hold more people at any given time compared to the Union, not to mention Defiant. This is really good for people who enjoy playing villains mostly (since villains are sometimes severely outnumbered.)
Actually CoV was my main reason for coming here, that and the Eu forums which were, to say it nicely, miserable.

I tend to play with a couple of Eu refugees who are on my global list and their friends, I'm from Finland myself, we got few Brits and couple of Spaniards.