Bots and Proc's

Dechs Kaison



If i add the explosive Strike (chance for smashing damage) proc in my bots does it have a chance to go off every time they attack?



Originally Posted by dechs kaison View Post
only on attacks that have a kb component.

The plastic tips at the end of shoelaces are called aglets. Their true purpose is sinister.
--The Question, JLU



So would it be worth it to use the knockback proc? How maney attacks do bots have that use knockback?



Originally Posted by Eastside View Post
So would it be worth it to use the knockback proc? How maney attacks do bots have that use knockback?
I think the drones have 2, since they are 3 drones it fires often enough to be decent. The Prot bots snipe they use a lot has KB but their slots are too valuable to waste. As there is only one assault bot I think your better off going with other things there too, he is a great place for your Aura IO's.



One in drones and one in assault. With decent slotting you can drop three blood mandates and a sovereign right into each bot to get 40% end reduction, 70% accuracy, and about 98% damage. That gives you two slots in each tier. Battle drones should be explosive strike and one of the aura uniques, protectors should be two defense ios, and assault bot should be the other aura unique and a proc. Soulbound's build up is a much better overall proc because it can fire off of anything and gives a large damage bonus, but I don't have that yet so I have explosive strike. It goes off more from one assault bot than the three drones, and they fire it alot. Every attack he has except for his burn missiles has kb or at least a chance for it. Ive watched it proc from his single target blasts more than once in a row, and seen it proc six or seven times from one set of kb missiles. That said, build up has a ridiculously high up time and will make your burn patches that much more deadly.

For clarification

Drones have one attack that does knockback, their "sniper" shot where they pose and fire off a pair of blasts. The Protectors have one as well,the heavy blast has a chance for knockback. Assault bot has chance for knockback associated with his single target blast, his dual arm torrent, and his AoE missiles (the ones that don't drop burn patches)



Alright here is what i came up with.

I like to solo a lot and sometimes team so i was thinking a tankermind let me know what i need to change.

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |



Originally Posted by Eastside View Post
Alright here is what i came up with.

I like to solo a lot and sometimes team so i was thinking a tankermind let me know what i need to change.

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
Replace the accuracy/endurance in both protectors and drones, with a 50 defense IO and an explosive strike proc respectively. Other than that, it looks good. Expect things to go pretty slowly sometimes, unless you're really good at using your bubbles to herd things into corners. Solid build.



Thanks for the advice the build is working great now and i love how my pets usualy never die.

On a side note how could i kill things faster, would i need to change my powers and if so what woiuld i change them to.



Originally Posted by Eastside View Post
Thanks for the advice the build is working great now and i love how my pets usualy never die.

On a side note how could i kill things faster, would i need to change my powers and if so what woiuld i change them to.
With force field, the only real way to kill things faster is to use your bubbles to push stuff into a corner. Stuff in a corner dies quickly in AoE patches.



Originally Posted by Eastside View Post
Thanks for the advice the build is working great now and i love how my pets usualy never die.
Wait what! They either usually die or they never die, they can't usually never die! I did a project and I put in: this animal usually always help the female's babies. My teacher said that's incorrect use of grammar. It's either they always help or they usually help, you can't use them together.

Sorry for what I said, just education is power!



Originally Posted by Eastside View Post
On a side note how could i kill things faster, would i need to change my powers and if so what woiuld i change them to.
I haven't looked at your build so this may be redundant, but the key I found to increasing my killing power was Electrified Fences from the Mu Mastery pool.

It has a small radius but is the only immob available to a Bots/FF that has -KB. Hit your targets with that and they will stay inside the burn patches, and those burn patches are lovely

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Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post