Free server transfers




Originally Posted by AlienOne View Post
Memphis Bill, which servers do you have a high-level Kheld on? I'd like to (if possible) have our teams take on some difficult high-level content (like the iTF or the STF or a SS TF, etc.)...
High level = Pinnacle and Victory. (Since you asked.) "Triform level at least" has a few more.

26th-27th is good for me. I work late shifts during the week (from 3-4 PM onward.)



I've transferred over "Wizard of Shadows" to the Champion server. He's level 38 now, and with his first slot in Eclipse. I also went ahead and put the enhancers needed for the next couple of levels into storage at the market, so enhancing after leveling up will be simple and quick.

What time shall we meet tomorrow, for our first meeting?



My apologies - as I said, my schedule is somewhat erratic. I'm free this afternoon and tomorrow, but had to work all night Friday which made playing on Saturday morning... problematic. How is Freedom as a meet-up location, then? Or is this more or less off at this point?

With great power comes great RTFM -- Lady Sadako
Iscariot's Guide to the Tri-Form Warshade, version 2.1
I'm sorry that math > your paranoid delusions, but them's the breaks -- Nethergoat
P.E.R.C. Rep for Liberty server



Freedom is fine, as long as there are enough willing people to participate... The main point of this was to get the "Kheld heavy-hitters" together for some fun and mutual learning off of eachother, and to just plain play together for once... I can get an all-Kheld iTF together on Freedom with almost no warning or scheduling whatsoever at any time... I was mainly trying to get everyone I normally talk with in this section of the forums here together for some in-game play/discussion, before the "free server transfer" offer goes away (possibly for good).

Up to you guys!


Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



I have Wizard of Shadows back on Protector now, and I have no other khelds on Champion (and none on Freedom).

It was fun, and my thanks to AO for organizing this.

I think I need to go beat up some Cimerorans with another character, to exact some vengeance for the spanking my shade repeatedly received from their defense-cleaving swords.

PS: If we set a day and time, and the scheduling deities work out, I'd be happy to attend another all-kheld session. Hopefully I'll have hit at least 39 by then (WoS is very close now) so that eclipse spends more time up than down.



Originally Posted by AlienOne View Post
Freedom is fine, as long as there are enough willing people to participate... The main point of this was to get the "Kheld heavy-hitters" together for some fun and mutual learning off of eachother, and to just plain play together for once... I can get an all-Kheld iTF together on Freedom with almost no warning or scheduling whatsoever at any time... I was mainly trying to get everyone I normally talk with in this section of the forums here together for some in-game play/discussion, before the "free server transfer" offer goes away (possibly for good).

Up to you guys!

Cust. Service and I are going round and round about a problem with my transfers restocking or I'd been there.