Cath's Strike Force Extravaganza!
I'm considering assploding my apendix so I can leave work early...
Expect me online when I get home!
Way to set the "Players are Debuffed" option on that Renault run, Cath. -ToHit city!
It would've been too easy if we'd been at full strength anyway.
On my shopping day you bum! Go Cath GO! I hope to catch the next one Cath!
We trumped Archus before all the waves of ambushes came in. I'd never seen that before.
Why do I have to work today T_T. We need to do something like this sometime Cath. Also include the Respecs, since they are an easy 20 mins.
I'd like to thank everyone for their participation in the extravaganza!
Here's the list of participants!
Virgil Tarikoss ("Cap") - 13 Merits - Level 15-20
Silver Mantis - 42 Merits - Level 20-25
Operative Renault - 24 Merits - Level 25-30
Ice Mistral - 26 Merits - Level 35-40
Barracuda - 30 Merits - Level 45-50
Lord Recluse - 25 Merits - Level 45-50
Stay tuned for more!
You evil, maniacle, synical, evil person, stop running stuff when I can;t come dang-nab-it
*Beats cath relentlessly with a newspaper*
It was great doing TFs again with people who knew what they were doing Thanks again Cath.
It was great doing TFs again with people who knew what they were doing Thanks again Cath.
Everything was fun up to that point, though.
Thanks again everyone!
NJ guys sounds like a fun time.
But other than that, fun stuff! Will definitely pitch in next time if I'm available.
Lrsf with my necro/poison will be awesome yo!
Prolly won't complete it, but my Cath zombie minion will die repeatedly
Lrsf with my necro/poison will be awesome yo!
Prolly won't complete it, but my Cath zombie minion will die repeatedly |
Wait . . . YOU made a MM?
do one blue side! do eet!
Triumph Lurker: mintmiki 50 emp/archer
basically, if you see a miki on Triumph, it's probably cute and it's probably me.
Huge thanks to cuppamanga and all the folks in the mac help forum for prolonging my borrowed time on this game.
Also, it would take 2-3 times as long. That's not very fun.
Citadel needs to read Dr. Aeon's post about boring, repetitive missions.
I'm going to play this like the devs.
I might consider doing that again some time. First, I'm going to do lots of other things that in no way imply that I'm still considering this idea.
Cath, i 'm almost 45 on my DM/EA brute bro. Just an heads up. I'm hoping to join you next time on your SF runs. On the TFs, just do the fun ones: like ITF, LGTF, STF not MSTF runs, and the Manny runs.
So here's the plan:
Throughout today, I'm going to run all of the major villain-only Strike Forces. That's right!
6 Strike Forces to choose from!
Have you been holding off your Strike Force hunger because you don't want to form one?
Today is your opportunity to experience the major tasks of the Rogue Isles! No sign-up sheets. No specific times. All you do is send this tell in-game to participate:
/t @Cath, Hey Cath! You're the best! What SF are you doing next? Is there room for me?
All you have to do is copy and paste! I'll keep a running list of participants as I get the tells. Serious inquiries only!
These Strike Forces will be pretty speedy when possible, so here's all of the Paragon Wiki guides to facilitate anyone unfamiliar with each one:
Virgil Tarikoss ("Cap") - 13 Merits - Guide **COMPLETE**
Silver Mantis - 42 Merits - Guide **COMPLETE**
Operative Renault - 24 Merits - Guide **COMPLETE**
Ice Mistral - 26 Merits - Guide **COMPLETE**
Barracuda - 30 Merits - Guide **COMPLETE** (No Brutes or Doms)
Lord Recluse - 25 Merits - Guide **>_>**
Let the extravaganza begin!!!
Click for Hot Sun Splitter Action