Scrapper -VS- Stalker Question
Since Ninja Blade is simply an AT tweaked port of Katana, then, yes, the best ST attack string would be the same as for Scrapper Katana. The only difference between the two (aside from the reduction in damage thanks to AT mods and the reordering of a few powers) is that Scrappers get Confront and The Lotus Drops and Stalkers get Placate and Assassin's Blade. Assassin's Blade has completely atrocious DPA and has no place in an attack string so it follows suit that you'd want to use the Scrapper attack string.
Actually the animation times are different also. Gambler's Cut is faster for scrappers, while basically everything else is faster for stalkers. Not sure if this would necessitate/facilitate a different attack chain, but it might.
Actually the animation times are different also. Gambler's Cut is faster for scrappers, while basically everything else is faster for stalkers. Not sure if this would necessitate/facilitate a different attack chain, but it might.
Ok, so my next question would be then, is Gamblers Cut still better than Sting of the Wasp for DPS? With the lowered damage, would it's DPS output be able to contribute to an Attack Chain?
I know that City of Data hasn't been updated in a while, but it disagrees with you. Check out Ninja Sword and [/url=]Katana[/url]. The animation times are all exactly the same for the same powers. Mids happens to agree with me as well. I would check in game, but the servers are currently down but I'm rather confident that the animation times are all the same there as well.
What is the best DPS chain for Ninja Blade/stalkers, is it the same as a Scrappers Katana chain? I only asked here b/c I usually post here in Scrappers area where I know the Math alumni are. Thanks.