Costume bind?

Adeon Hawkwood



I would like to make a costume bind that will change and use a costume emote (if that is possible). To be specific I want to change to costume slot 1 with an emote when temporary invulnerability is toggled on and change back to costume slot 2 with out an emote when temporary invulnerability is toggled off. Can this even be done?



I had a hard time trying to understand your Q but i think i may help a tad till someone better comes along.

/bind {Key} "cce # CC{EmoteName}"

Replacing {Key} for the name of a key, and {EmoteName} with the name of the costume change emote you want to use. #(0-4) 0 is Slot 1, 4 is your 5th(Halloween salavge)

Let me put one i use for one of my Char's.

/bind Add "em none$$cce 3 CCSalute" the keys i use for Costumes are the Keypads / * - +

Hope i was of little help.

PS: what gave me a hard time understanding was the Invul part.

Going to miss the fun and nice people here at CoH. Feel free to add me on PS3/XBox360
PS3X360: OmniNogard
Currently playing: Mass Effect 3(PS3) Minecraft(X360) Skyrim(X360).



Nogard covered the costume change binds very well, to answer your specific question, what I believe you need is this:

/bind {Key} "cce {CostumeSlot} {EmoteName}&&powexec_toggleon Temporary Invulnerability"

and this:

/bind {Key} "cc {CostumeSlot}&&powexec_toggleoff Temporary Invulnerability"

Obviously replace {Key} with the key, {EmoteName} with the emote name and {costume slot} with the slot number.

A couple of notes:
1. Remember you can only change costume every 30 seconds however even if you don't change costume the power toggle portion should work (I think, I've never tried it)
2. Changing costumes in combat can be risky, your character may become rooted and reperform certain toggle activation animations
3. You may find a macro is more convenient than a bind just replace /bind {Key} with /Macro {Name}. Macro names are effectively limited to four characters due to the size of the power button.



Originally Posted by Nogard_T View Post
Hope i was of little help.
Correction- Hope I was a little help. The way you posted made your contribution diminutive and it is contrarily quite helpful.

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