Liberty Heroes you are cordially invited...
Wo0t!! Burly rocks!
I added this to the Liberty calendar, hopefully people will come out for it. Congrats Burly!!!!!!

@Tax E - RIP CoH 2012
Grats Burly, Crimson Order, this is an event I shall surely show up to, now I have to figure out which character I want to make a new costume with...sigh, so many options, so little time.
Bengal of Thudera - Claws/Regen Scrapper
Smokey Bones - Fire/Kin Troller
Burnt Out Blaster - Fire/Elec Blaster
Gratz Burly!
I have added this to the Sisterhood and Friends Upcoming Events.
Just a reminder to everyone about this event. If you're coming out post a reply and let us now.
Burly's ceremony is at 6pm EST in the Crimson Order base. There will be a Crimson Order member standing at the base portal in Atlas, so just send that person a tell to get invited to a team to access the base. Following the ceremony will be a CC in Atlas Park with a scavenger hunt immediately afterwards. Prizes for the CC and hunt are the same. The way the scavenger hunt will work is like this: you'll receive a clue from a member of the Crimson Order. Figuring out the clue will lead you to the next waypoint, badge marker, geographical location or other some such spot in Paragon that is well known where there will be another Crimson Order member ready with your next clue.
10 clues, 10 zones, 440 million in cash between both events. If a team wins the scavenger hunt, the payout will be divided by the team.
1st place - 100 million
2nd place - 70 million
3rd place - 40 million
4th place - 10 million
5th place - /e clap
Good luck to everyone participating!
CC winners are:
1st place - Metal Grave
2nd place - Little Weed
3rd place - Warrior Angel
4th place - Impulsive Flames
5th place - Brent's Panda
gratz you guys!
the Scavenger Hunt winners were:
1st place - Marisol (100 million)
2nd place - Miss Helena (70 million)
3rd place - DaSlaya Perfected and Radiation Krazy (20 million each)
4th place - Flaming Laurel and Barbed Shade and I Xai and Samma (5 million each)
5th place - Lavender Panther (2 million)
i modified the payout a little bit due to some folks being on teams and to make it worth their while
the clues were:
Atlas Park: Ah, yes. It's a good day to start your superhero career. You feel as if you're on top of the world. Who's the Top Dog now? (top of atlas statue)
Galaxy City: Pop quiz, Hotshot. You're lvl 50 and everyone says you shouldn't have taken flurry and whirlwind. What do you do? What do you do? (jack wolfe)
King's Row: Where do you go when all of your missions are miles away and [Sprint] just won't cut it? (bank mission van)
Faultline: The devs thought they could be cute by playing Easter Bunny and cleverly hid this egg. (easter egg badge)
Steel Canyon: Costumes and Capes and Tsoo, oh my! (tailor)
Independence Port: This journalist will only speak to the most valorous of heroes to protect Paragon's nuclear reactor. (respec trial contact)
Talos: Mayor "Spanky" Robinowitz liked taking long walks on the beach but hated getting sand in his thong, so the city built him this. (spanky's boardwalk)
Brickstown: You just got busted by a group of heroes doing a radio mission. Guess you had better have your soap-on-a-rope. (the Zig)
Founders: The best heroes have the best education. (university)
Peregrine Island: pl? PL? PL! PL meh!!!! Checkmate (portal corp)
Thanks for the fun, always nice to pocket some extra cash, that took me over the 1 billion mark too on that account

Cheers!! Congrats once more Burly... good to hear everyone had fun.
Sorry I missed it, I was busy recoup'ing from work... setting up a store is not easy. lol

@Tax E - RIP CoH 2012
Event: Promotion Ceremony for Burly
Date: Saturday 11/14/2009
Time: 6:00pm EST
The Crimson Order supergroup proudly announces the promotion of one of one of our oldest members to the Founder class. Burly has been with us since the beginning and now that we have finally ousted the Villains out of the number one spot on Liberty Server we plan to celebrate by honoring him. Burly is always ready to help in any way possible and I'm sure that many of you have found yourself on a team with a "Burly".
Festivities after the ceremony include a Costume Contest in Atlas Part, Scavenger Hunt, and if we can figure out the mechanics...FINGER PAINTING!!!(Infernal's Idea...)
This is the highest honor in our group and we would like to share the celebration with the entire Liberty server! So please join us and celebrate our friend and comrade... and maybe get a couple of prizes along the way!
The Crimson Order