Known Issues for the Live Servers - 11/3/09




Originally Posted by Mr_Wilkinson View Post
Not mentioned here, but still a bug. Users of certain ATI graphics cards will find that their mouse cursor must be above and to the left of the Enhancement to grab it in either the Respec screen or Slot Enhancement screen.
This has been bugging me (accidental pun) for years, but I've gotten pretty good at grabbing enhancements from thin air.

A more significant and bothersome problem is having Mastermind pets drop team as you enter/exit missions or change zones. The pets will follow, but do not appear in the pet window, and therefore they cannot be controlled (or dismissed). When you click on one, it's like clicking any other toon not currently on your team (i.e. blue box).

They will rejoin you if you buff them, and that seems to have to be done for each one individually. They will sometimes rejoin you when you subsequently zone again. I'm surpirsed this isn't listed as a known issue. I assume the reference that is made to MM pets refers to the way they will drop from the ceiling or do other weird things when you zone... this is beyond a behavioural issue though, and defeats the purpose of having them zone with you as well as the all-at-once pet upgrades, since you essentially have to rebuff them somehow one at a time to get them back.

Summoning new pets doesn't work either, you just end up filling in the ranks, and the new guys will be on your team by themselves.

#141757 We Are Legion, #99205 We Too Are Legion, #5514 Bug Hunt

VIRTUE HEROES: Ebon Witch, Essense, Ossum Possum, Eversoul, Jacob Ravenshire
VIRTUE VILLAINS: Gentleman Caller, Little Green Vistor, Black Apple, Emily & Timothy Ravenshire