Bug in Tomorrow Belongs To Me




I can't edit this arc to alert people in the description, so please excuse me doing it here.

It seems the arc is now bugged, so that missions after the first give nothing but V-2 bosses. I'd recommend avoiding it until it's fixed.



Originally Posted by Lady_Sadako View Post
I can't edit this arc to alert people in the description, so please excuse me doing it here.

It seems the arc is now bugged, so that missions after the first give nothing but V-2 bosses. I'd recommend avoiding it until it's fixed.
This is a bug common to a lot of arcs right now. Basically, EBs and AVs will downgrade and then spawn in place of bosses. Also, they can take up all the spawns in a group, and I think this happens when the rest of the group are normal, non-custom mobs. This is even if they are set not to spawn automatically.

I had this happen to some of my arcs (including my contest winner after it was DC'd). I fixed it by removing the boss from that group entirely (since I onyl used her at one specific point anyways), and then simply using the Boss objective to manually spawn her (again, this is that I was doing anyways), and place the normal group around her. I then simply filled in the Boss Group field with the name of the normal faction, all fixed!

Sorry if I am not sounding coherent, I'm very sick and pretty tired and my mind is fuzzy.

Send a PM to Dr. Aeon here on the forums, tell him what you want to do. As long as he knows, you can edit it, tell him when you are done, and he will reinstate it.

He's done this for me twice (I have to fix The Wretch's Gift as well).

I'm only ladylike when compared to my sister.