Helping newer SG's
Alpha Squad is small, but our base has most of the basic necessities (teleporters, benches etc). However, if you group is an RP group and would like some more RP-based coalitions, please add us!
We'd like to expand who we work with in RP, particularly anything AE-related.
My global is @Ravyna.
I can provide the same on the red side - I've quit playing CoX, but my wife and I have a 10m base sitting around with all the necessities and a crazy amount of prestige to spare.
PM me here if interested - I rarely log in to check on my market investments, so you're not likely to catch me online.
I have a (Techish themed) personal SG/Base complete with a bunch of porters, tables and rezzer, etc. Any new or just small SG's that want access to better base facilities while you get on your feet, give me a shout (PM me here). I am NOT currently recruiting, just willing to Coalition with new SG's to help out with base facilities.
Masterminds annoy everybody, sooner or later. Heck, Masterminds annoy themselves.