Pick 1, list 3




Would you rather have?

A. Superman's powers for 1 month.

B. 5 million in cash

C. Love potion #9 that actually works

Pick the one you'd choose then list 3 more for the next person.

Maestro Mavius - Infinity
Capt. Biohazrd - PCSAR
Talsor Tech - Talsorian Guard
Keep Calm & Chive On!



Superman's powers? nope, too much responsibility

the money? For sure, bye-bye work, hello MOAR COX!!!!

Love potion? no way, with all the $$$ I would have 0 time for anyone (cept my Brute <3)



Since beyeajus was too busy with his cox and didn't get it right, I'll go for it.

Gimme that money, that scrill, that paper, that bread though.

1. A new car

2. A new spouse

3. A new job

Decide NOW!



A new car, can sell for money


1) Wolverines powers?

2) Wonder Woman's Invisible Jet?

3) A pack of Orbit gum?

I have gone to find myself. If I get back before I return, Keep me here!



Oh cool! A dragon! Getting from point a to b will be a cinch now! And no red lights, people on cell phones while driving will be ignited!

-eat your boogers

-eat mud


-something a three year old made



Eat mud, I knew a kid when I was younger that ate it by the spoonful


Would you rather be hit with a ________?
- brick
- supersoaker filled with pee
- Mack truck

I have gone to find myself. If I get back before I return, Keep me here!



Brick, because if it doesn't hit my head I can take it (cause I'm a bad a** motha****** like that)






- a ford
- a chevy
- a dodge

I have gone to find myself. If I get back before I return, Keep me here!



WINE .. hands down

would you rather

listen to a college lecture for an hour...
listen to an elementary school christmas consert for an hour..
have dental work done on you for an hour ...



college lecture...easiest to sleep through.

Would you rather:

have the power of perfect spelling
have the power of perfect grammer
have perfect knoweldge of a dead language?



Originally Posted by Angryellow View Post
Since beyeajus was too busy with his cox and didn't get it right, I'll go for it.

Gimme that money, that scrill, that paper, that bread though.

1. A new car

2. A new spouse

3. A new job

Decide NOW!
LOL my bad, this following rules thing isn't me.



ok, lemme try again XD

I'd totally take Defender, Kit talks too much and I'm not a fan of orange

OK!!! Which one!!

1) Super saiyan powers

2) Lightsabre

3) Alchemic powers like in FMA



Super Saiyan. Then I can take up an entire 22-minute episode and the first five minutes of the subsequent episode charging up my powers and bore my enemy into submission.




well, being from Minnesota,

the timber wolves haven't done any thing since they came to the state, so their out.

vikings have gone to 2 super-bowls but chocked both times, seam to be haveing a good year this year.

twins have won 2 world series at least.

have to go with football, only have to watch them once a week, then i can be normal the rest of the week.

ok , who scares you more

the Geico caveman.
the snuggle teddybear
the Burger King



The Burger King.

back to my last question that got sniped

- Ford
- Dodge
- Chevy

I have gone to find myself. If I get back before I return, Keep me here!



Ack, sorry about that. I didn't mean to snipe.



Ford, because that brand has been in my family pretty much all my life. My mother owns one and I own one.




Originally Posted by Angryellow View Post
Super Saiyan. Then I can take up an entire 22-minute episode and the first five minutes of the subsequent episode charging up my powers and bore my enemy into submission.


baaaahahahah well played!!!