Deebs sketch dump




I generally just do Virtue players annnd theres a virtue thread for it too if your a virtue player and read the virtue forums , though its not in any sort of order as I mostly pick and choose folks that intrest me at the time im looking through the pictures .

Here on this forum I mainly just post to share art .



also im still mostly on vacation and unlikely to draw much until the new year



Some headshots of a few characters of Drunkfu/Shia from one of his stories

so from right to left

Ecila :
A time displaced , dimension hopping young girl whose grasp of mathematics trancends the ordinary and borders on the improbable .

Shoggoth kitty lord :
originally little more than the driver-less construction equipment of the Greater Old Ones as some point howwever, they grew brains, called themselves Shoggoth Lords, and rebelled rather unsuccessfully. A Shoggoth Lord's offspring tended to psychically bond to it's parent after whatever means of giving birth it had, and often snuggled inside nice safe little pouches while doing so.

This particular baby Shoggoth Lord had been bonding to Josh and has taken up residence in his backpack"

Joshua Andrews Gillman:
Descended from a bloodline predisposed to mathematical formulae and non euclidean calculus , josh's exciting life as a social pariah trying to survive in highschool becomes alot more complicated when he meets Elica ...Currentl Ecila has something of his he really wants back !



Very nice... May have to check out that story even if there does seem to be WAY too much
math in it!



Originally Posted by Caemgen View Post
Very nice... May have to check out that story even if there does seem to be WAY too much
math in it!

Math is your friend!

I can prove it, albeit with some lengthy differential equations...

My Deviant Art page link-link

CoH/V Fan Videos



Its not really about math honest its more like math is a window dressing , honest .
and im horrid with math