Hero-Con Contests, Contests, Contests!




We promised you a bunch of fun activities at Hero-Con 2009 this year, and we plan to deliver! Here are a few contests that you're definitely going to want to participate in while you're at the event!

The Hero-Con Costume Contest!

It's almost Halloween and you need to come up with a costume anyway, right? So why not make it CoH related? If you do, you can enter it in our Official Hero-Con '09 Costume Contest! We're looking for heroes and villains specifically for this event - whether it's your own character or a signature one from the game! Just keep it hero or villain themed and a character that is NOT trademarked outside of the City of Heroes game! Also - please leave any realistic-type weapons such as sharp wood, steel or anything else that could be seen as posing a danger to yourself or anyone else at home!

The Hero-Con Costume Contest will take place towards the end of the big banquet dinner on the evening of Saturday, October 24th. Go ahead- show up to the banquet with your costume on already if you'd like! Towards the end of the evening, we'll bring all the costumed heroes and villains on stage to strut their stuff! Our esteemed panel of judges will award a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winner as well as two honorable mentions. Those lucky individuals will win great prizes! There's no separate category for heroes or villains, just the best costumes that emerge out of everyone who enters. Participants will be judged on the following criteria: 1) Creativity 2) Costume Detail, 3) Personality/Attitude and 4) Relevance to the City of Heroes universe.

So what are you waiting for? Get that costume ready to go! We can't wait to see what you come up with!

Official Contest Rules/Conditions and specific prize information coming soon!

The Hero-Con Live Mission Contest!

Get ready to participate in one of the most exciting and interactive events of Hero-Con, the City of Heroes® Live Mission! The Live Mission gives you a chance to experience for yourself what it's like to be a Hero or Villain in our game, as teams of 8 run through a series of missions to obtain the 10 keys of the M.A.G.I. vault. Encounter many of the signature characters of City of Heroes and battle it out against an array of foes. Will Azuria regain the keys, or will the villainous Mikey the Ear gain access to the vault? It's all up to you!

So grab a team and sign up as soon as possible, for great fun and some incredible prizes! Sign up sheets will be available beginning from 4-7pm on Friday, October 23rd at The Doubletree Hotel. Just head towards the Registration Area on the 2nd Floor "Gateway" foyer. Even if you don't have a team ready to go, make sure to still sign up because we'll be putting pick-up groups together!

It's going to be a blast and the first place team will win some loot!

See you there!

Official Contest Rules/Conditions and specific prize information coming soon!

The CoH Trivia Challenge!

Think you're an expert on the City of Heroes® game and its associated lore? Well, it's time to put your money where your mouth is! Participate in the CoH Trivia Challenge at Hero-Con, and you could be crowned the king or queen of trivia and win some sweet prizes to boot!

Here's how it will work. Throughout the day on Saturday, October 24th, we will be throwing multiple 30 minute Trivia "Qualifiers." Simply report to the "Midnighter Club" (The Player Hangout Room) during the designated times printed in the Hero-Con schedule, and you will have an in-depth multiple choice quiz administered to you based on the City of Heroes game and its associated lore. You will have exactly 30 minutes to answer as many of the questions as you can (plus a few fill-in-the-blank questions which will act as tie breakers) and you can only take the quiz ONCE - so make it count!

All the quizzes will be tallied up and the six individuals who score the highest will be called onto the stage during the Hero-Con banquet the evening of Saturday, October 24th! Those six people will then compete against each other in one round of live CoH Trivia and a champion will emerge!

So start studying up on your lore now - it could help you win BIG!!!

Official Contest Rules/Conditions and specific prize information coming soon.

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