~Master of Dr Kahn TF - Wednesday, October 21~




The team:

  • Madam Shadow (Dark/Dark Def)
  • Sevenpenny (Kat/WP Scrapper)
  • Xort (PB)
  • Voltor Prime (NRG/Elec Blaster)
  • King Sac (NRG/NRG Blaster)
  • Radio-octave (Rad/Sonic Def)
  • Teal Tabby (Inv/Axe Tank)
Number of restarts: 2

Ven Infinity joined us for round 1 on Nhytshade, but decided to call it a night when we restarted after a miscommunication led to Xort's death. Had what looked to be a lag death in the second go on the first mob, so we thought the third time would be a charm. During the 3rd mission though, MB's end ran out and the toggles dropped; another death, lol. We then decided to just finish it.

Time: 0:48:28
Deaths: 10

Good run gang, maybe next time!



Original Team:

Sorry for the death. They made me solo the EB, which isn't a big deal.. but we were chatting at the same time and I didn't notice my end running out. lol

*makes note to bring blues next time. haha



Originally Posted by Paragon View Post
we restarted after a miscommunication led to Xort's death.
You should be a diplomat. More like: after Xort's monumental stupidity botched things up. I am just glad E and Luna were not there to witness it.



Originally Posted by NukeTheLag View Post
You should be a diplomat. More like: after Xort's monumental stupidity botched things up. I am just glad E and Luna were not there to witness it.
lol, please, you're speaking about the same person that dies every time I try to rez someone :smirk:

Sorry you all were not successful. Glad I went to bed early. Still feel not good, but the sleep was nice.

See everyone soon!

46 Toons on Freedom, 1988+ Levels, 17 Level 50's
The Freedom Horde on Facebook
Globals: @Luna de Nocturne & @Luna Moone
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Originally Posted by Paragon View Post
The team:
  • Madam Shadow (Dark/Dark Def)
  • Sevenpenny (Kat/WP Scrapper)
  • Xort (PB)
  • Voltor Prime (NRG/Elec Blaster)
  • King Sac (NRG/NRG Blaster)
  • Radio-octave (Rad/Sonic Def)
  • Teal Tabby (Inv/Axe Tank)
Number of restarts: 2

Ven Infinity joined us for round 1 on Nhytshade, but decided to call it a night when we restarted after a miscommunication led to Xort's death. Had what looked to be a lag death in the second go on the first mob, so we thought the third time would be a charm. During the 3rd mission though, MB's end ran out and the toggles dropped; another death, lol. We then decided to just finish it.

Time: 0:48:28
Deaths: 10

Good run gang, maybe next time!
Sorry you were not successful last night.

Originally Posted by NukeTheLag View Post
You should be a diplomat. More like: after Xort's monumental stupidity botched things up. I am just glad E and Luna were not there to witness it.

Originally Posted by Luna de Nocturne View Post
lol, please, you're speaking about the same person that dies every time I try to rez someone :smirk:

Sorry you all were not successful. Glad I went to bed early. Still feel not good, but the sleep was nice.

See everyone soon!
I'm in the same boat Luna. I was asleep by 10:30pm. The rest was nice, but I am still feeling like crap today.

Mr E-Man ~ Mr E-Villain
XBL GamerTag: il Radd



I had a lot of fun last night, i think the most fun i had though was when Ven fell off her perch on the wing right before the picture lol

I can please only one person per day. Today is not your day. Tomorrow isn't looking good, either.