New Evil J-Man Comic!!!




So a while back me an' the GoldenMasquerade got tagetha an' made us this big crossover event where her character Dr. Lore joins the Evil J-Force. We finished it but due ta new jobs an' extreme laziness it was neva actually released.

Considerin that the J-Man is all about innovation I wanna try something different.
The first link you will see is the full comic ta download like normal.
But considerin we kin do images now I also put each page inta jpeg format an' have it all posted up in this thread.

Lemme know what ya mooks think.

Evil J-Man/Dr. Lore issue 1



Originally Posted by Turgenev View Post
If something gives me a migraine reading it, it's not worth reading.
Is that why you never know what time to show up for the TFs/SFs?

Mr E-Man ~ Mr E-Villain
XBL GamerTag: il Radd



Originally Posted by Mr E-Man View Post
Is that why you never know what time to show up for the TFs/SFs?
I show up for yours fine. It's Luna's that I goof up regularly. 1030 is stuck in my head. Deviate from that, and you get the horns.

*nurses his cold now, g'way*



You can acutally think Masq fer most of the writin. When I did the first draft all Lore was sayin was "Oh J-Man is so hawt, I hope he has room in that armor for 2!" an' she changed it ta what ya see now.

I'm also wonderin what ya mooks think about the comic bein up in image format. Is it betta then the download format?

I've gotten some decent pros an' cons, but I want your opinion.



Image postings guarantee immediate readability. If you want a separate PDF download included for people who like to read it that way too, it wouldn't hurt, but this method gets the readership up a few notches for immediacy. Just make sure the JPG is on the higher quality scale, because the text can suffer.