Captain Power Weekend and Resurrection!




Captain Power is back? Well, of course! The Death of Captain Power can never be the end of the hero that we all love.....well, I do anyway. So to celebrate the upcoming resurrection, I would like to have a weekend of running Captain Power's Story Arcs. I'll be playing as Maximar, the Android designed originally for destruction who has a conciousness that decided he wanted to be a hero instead. I will be a member of the group, with a preferred Freedom Horde volunteer to lead the group in the story arcs about Captain Power.

Date: Saturday October 17th


Captain Power issue #1
The History of Captain Power, Hero of Two Worlds

Where: Architect Entertainment in Skyway City (Captain Power's home city zone)
Time: 11 am EST/8 am PST
Contact: Captain Power

Team Leader: TBA

Followed directly by....after 30 min break for food etc.:

Captain Power issue #2, aka: Between a rock and a hard place
Captain Power and the Bouldar King

Where: Architect Entertainment in Skyway City (Captain Power's home city zone)
Time: Directly following the fist Story Arc: The History of Captain Power...
Contact: Captain Power

Team Leader: TBA

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Date: Saturday October 17th


Captain Power issue #3, aka: Captain Evil Emerges
Captain Power: Mirror Image

Where: Architect Entertainment in Skyway City (Captain Power's home city zone)
Time: 3 pm EST/12 noon PST
Contact: Captain Power

Team Leader: TBA

Followed directly by....after 30 min break for food etc.:

Captain Power issue #4, aka: Armageddon
Captain Power: Ara-ma-Gedon

Where: Architect Entertainment in Skyway City (Captain Power's home city zone)
Time: Directly following the fist Story Arc: The History of Captain Power...
Contact: Captain Power

Team Leader: TBA

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Date: Sunday October 18th


Captain Power issue #5: aka: General Damos Attacks!
Captain Power: In Defense of Paragon

Where: Architect Entertainment in Skyway City (Captain Power's home city zone)
Time: 11 am EST/8 am PST
Contact: Captain Power

Team Leader: TBA

Followed directly by....after 30 min break for food etc.:

Captain Power issue #6, aka: Who killed Captain Power?
The Death of Captain Power

Where: Architect Entertainment in Skyway City (Captain Power's home city zone)
Time: Directly following the fist Story Arc: The History of Captain Power...
Contact: Captain Power

Team Leader: TBA

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Date: Sunday October 18th


Captain Power issue #7, aka: Who is Captain Negative?
The Resurrection of Captain Power

Where: Architect Entertainment in Skyway City (Captain Power's home city zone)
Time: 3 pm EST/ 12 noon PST
Contact: Captain Power

Team Leader: TBA

Followed directly by....after 30 min break for food etc.:

Captain Power issue #8, aka: Powers, Powers, everywhere!
Captain Power: Power Crisis

Where: Architect Entertainment in Skyway City (Captain Power's home city zone)
Time: Directly following the fist Story Arc: The History of Captain Power...
Contact: Captain Power

Team Leader: TBA
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Q & A:

How do I sign up?: Post here to sign up for any of the Story Arcs you wish to be a part of.

Why are you doing this?: I promise you it's not because I'm so egotistical that I think my story arcs are the best ever. Mostly I'm doing this for feedback and information as to what real people think of my story and arcs. I have submitted no story arcs for the new arc contest, because all of my story arcs are still currently "Under construction" and I am still looking to improve them. I would like to submit a story arc for the next contest, but I need people to actually play it and tell me what they think. Also it is to promote the release of two new story arcs finishing the story of Captain Power, issues 7 and 8, which will be published directly before we play them on Sunday afternoon!

Does that mean if I've already played the story arc you don't want me to sign up?: NO! Please if you would like to play the arc by all means, join us on Saturday morning.

Where are the Soldiers of the Future?: I have no idea what you're talking about. I didn't know there was a TV show called Captain Power until I started playing the character just over 5 years ago. The character in that TV show was not copywrited and I am not breaking the naming agreement by having a character named the same name. My character is based on a combination of other super heroes that I have loved through my childhood.

What level do I have to be to play?: You can sign up at any level and join to play, if you can get to AE in Skyway City you are welcome to play. However, if more than 8 people sign up you will all be placed in teams of levels that are as close to your level as we can.

Why are you starting the Arcs so early in the day?: I am trying to keep from interfering with any Freedom Horde events later in the evening on this weekend, because it's such short notice.
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I hope you all can make it if you would like to join us, if there's an us....and I hope you all enjoy the story arcs as well as the underlying story and look into my vision of who my main character in City of Heroes is, also known as Captain Power.

Freedom Horde! Join the Ranks!



I should be around most of this weekend. I might have to come and go during the arcs depending on what my husband is trying to get me to do around the house. So I'll probably not be a good choice for team leader. I'll probably bring Dyanthia: Rad/Rad Defender so I can get some needed XP on her.

46 Toons on Freedom, 1988+ Levels, 17 Level 50's
The Freedom Horde on Facebook
Globals: @Luna de Nocturne & @Luna Moone
Luna on Facebook (Feel Free to Add!)



i'd love to join, but i dont roll out of bed on the weekends till around 1 or 2 usually.



I'll be around as well, but I'd rather not be the leader-type. I suck at reviewing arcs, so someone else might be better off reading/critiquing your stories. I'll probably join with my lowbie Blaster, but I may show up with a 20-something Tanker.



I might have missed this in the OP, but which server is this on?



It amazes me how CP can keep all of the characters in his arc in his head! I've done two of them, but would love to join a team. Cya then!



That's what I get for using the "New Posts" search and not paying attention to where I end up.

I don't have any characters on Freedom, and I don't have any time to get one to a helpful level, even if I spent every spare minute playing it (school sux that way).

Best of luck to you. I'm sure it will be a blast!



Originally Posted by Lucretia_MacEvil View Post
That's what I get for using the "New Posts" search and not paying attention to where I end up.

I don't have any characters on Freedom, and I don't have any time to get one to a helpful level, even if I spent every spare minute playing it (school sux that way).

Best of luck to you. I'm sure it will be a blast!
Thanks, sorry you arn't playing on Freedom, but if you ever get bored on your home server, come on over and look us up, we call ourselves Freedom Horde and we love doing arcs and TFs. =D

Freedom Horde! Join the Ranks!



ok, so the list so far:

Team Leader: TBA
1. Maximar
2. Roxona TBA
3. Dyanthia (in and out, depending on her husband)
4. Paragon TBA
5. Joe TBA (When he rolls out of bed)

Freedom Horde! Join the Ranks!



OK, so an slight change in the scheduling of these arcs. There will be about a 30 min break between the pair of arcs. For the purposes of FOOD, because I apparantly scheduled them in perfect timing to have a lunch and dinner break between!

Sorry guys, changing the post if I can.

Freedom Horde! Join the Ranks!



Hey CP, I'll be there tomorrow, but probably not for the first one or two. I got some husband aggro on housework, so I need to get some stuff done in the morning before I get in the game. See you all at some point! Probably after lunch time.

46 Toons on Freedom, 1988+ Levels, 17 Level 50's
The Freedom Horde on Facebook
Globals: @Luna de Nocturne & @Luna Moone
Luna on Facebook (Feel Free to Add!)



OK, lessons learned

1. First few arcs are too LONG! gonna shorten those up a bit.
2. NEVER, EVER hold 4 arcs in one day. tooo much time on the computer.
3. arcs take about 1 1/2 to 2 hours each, dont' plan on 1 1/2.
4. Never say you're going to do something when you may not........i.e....

I'm not going to publish the 8th story arc today. I'm pretty well burnt out of AE, so we're running the 7th arc, Resurrection of Captain Power now, and that's it for this weekend. Sorry if anyone missed out because of it. Sorry if No one wanted to come because it felt like too much. Feel free to play them at any time. I'll be posting the arc ID's on here later today

Freedom Horde! Join the Ranks!