I'm needing some help with build advice on an aoe blaster.
My three main choices were Fire/fire, fire/em, and fire/psy.
I had a fire/em and got him to 35, he was fun, but then i deleted him and made a fire/psy who is sitting at 40 til this weekend (2x xp weekend).
On my secondary account i've got a 50 fire/fire.
I really don't want to use the fire/fire on my secondary because it's actually a toon that one of my room mates leveled.
In my opinion, fire/em is more of a blapper, fire/psy is the better of the aoe, and fire/fire is a good in between (yes i have played my room mates fire/fire... when he isn't looking).
So my question is which of the three i've listed (in your guys' opinions) should i choose to io out?
And what should i build it towards, such as: soft capping to some positonal or s/l damage, + rech/dam, etc.
I'm needing some help with build advice on an aoe blaster.
My three main choices were Fire/fire, fire/em, and fire/psy.
I had a fire/em and got him to 35, he was fun, but then i deleted him and made a fire/psy who is sitting at 40 til this weekend (2x xp weekend).
On my secondary account i've got a 50 fire/fire.
I really don't want to use the fire/fire on my secondary because it's actually a toon that one of my room mates leveled.
In my opinion, fire/em is more of a blapper, fire/psy is the better of the aoe, and fire/fire is a good in between (yes i have played my room mates fire/fire... when he isn't looking).
So my question is which of the three i've listed (in your guys' opinions) should i choose to io out?
And what should i build it towards, such as: soft capping to some positonal or s/l damage, + rech/dam, etc.