Squirrel Tree - Storage for Squirrely Arcs
I remember the Wellington arc. I remember enjoying running it as well. It made a decent sci fi story. Maybe I wil take another look and bring my Drone troops this time.
Do let me know what you think Grinning Spade! <^.^> Like I said, there's a few changes, but overall it's very much the same arc. Hope you enjoy the changes!
A Warrior's Friend: ID 335212 - Help Infernal save Valkyrie from Battle Maiden.
Above Mars Part 1: The Wellington: ID 159769 - Save Mars by destroying a monstrous battleship from the inside!
>.> My DA page, where I attempt to art.
Just played it again with my Drone Mastermind. I approve of the new enemy types. If ever you make a part II, then I will definitely play it.
I had some trouble with the Drone summoning ally, her drone summoning was a bit erratic. I have seen her summon zero, 1 and 2 robots for no special reasons. MM's behave not well as allies these days.
Glad you liked the new enemies <^-^>b
Hmm... I'll do a once over on Liung - I'm not sure I'll be able to fix it if it's an AI problem, but it's possible I goofed up and turned off a power somewhere >.<m Can't hurt to check at any rate!
A Warrior's Friend: ID 335212 - Help Infernal save Valkyrie from Battle Maiden.
Above Mars Part 1: The Wellington: ID 159769 - Save Mars by destroying a monstrous battleship from the inside!
>.> My DA page, where I attempt to art.
Glad you liked the new enemies <^-^>b
Hmm... I'll do a once over on Liung - I'm not sure I'll be able to fix it if it's an AI problem, but it's possible I goofed up and turned off a power somewhere >.<m Can't hurt to check at any rate! |
Finally got my original arc, A Super Team is Born, back up and running - with of course, a few improvements!
Arc ID: 336185
Title: A Super Team is Born
Re-Published: 10/08/2009
Status: Final
Genre: Super Sentai/Light Comedy
Description: Ninja Catpeople Turbo is a brand new team of heroes in Paragon City... they don't quite seem to have their footing just yet...
More detailed explanation:
The arc is essentially a Power Rangers spoof following a team of costumed catpeople as they try to learn the ropes of heroing in Paragon City. There is however, a sinister plot afoot... one involving some truly bizarre creatures - the Spikies.
The arc has a little drama, a little comedy, but mostly it's just me reminiscing over a show I watched as a kid <,< It was launched originally back when I14 was in beta, and was dropped some time before I quit for a long break. Now that I'm back, and given some of the new improvements in the Architect system; I've fixed a couple issues that simply weren't managable before, and tuned a few other things as well (mostly from old requests made way-back-when)
Major changes:
[Spoiler Warning]
1) Enhanced Spikey now actually looks and acts different than the Blue Spikey. Whatever happened while I was away gave me extra space. As a warning, he may be a little extra tough compared to what I want - I'll need other people playing the arc to tell me where they feel the difficulty should be.
2) Fixed several patrols that were mixed Crey/Spikies that had dialogue that wouldn't make sense coming from that individual. (Example, Spikies talking normally, or Crey saying "Oodlefoodle!")
3) Robo-Bat has a new costume. I wasn't feeling the red and gold Goldar pastiche costume when I came back; so I adapted him to look more like an actual scientist. On the one hand, I like it better this way... but at the same point I admit, it feels less Super Sentai this way. (I mean this is the genre that gave us Starfish Hitler for crying out loud...) So I'm interested in people's reaction to the more conservatively dressed Robobat.
4) Robo-Bat is now just an EB rather than an AV/EB - This is largely because of the next change...
5) All the Felis' were dropped from Bosses to Lts. - which more accurately reflects their neophyte level of training. The exception is Red once she takes her helmet off later in the arc, as by then she's more experienced and becoming a genuine super hero. The Robo-Bat fight could be a little too tough with the weaker Felises though; so I nerfed him a bit.
- Extra Big Spoiler!! -
6) Sadly, the final ambush of the arc with all the Felises coming to help you during the Robo Bat fight had to be dumped. I *hated* doing this; but the vagaries of ally-ambushes are such that sometimes they didnt' show up at all, other times multiples would show up - and worse it just gets more complicated with the new difficulty settings.
Instead all of the Felises are now available on the map somewhere. You'll have to find them yourself; and I intentionally did *NOT* give it away by putting them in the map nav thing.
I'm hoping at a later date we'll see an actual Ally Ambush function and I can restore this to it's original format; which was to me, the crowning moment of the arc.
7) Fixed a few text bits. Re-wrote a little bit of Green's dialogue particularly - I wanted to make her a little more cheerfully brutal. Blue no longer stands up and pukes and then just stands there - unfortunately he won't *stay* unconscious no matter what I do... so for immersions sake the best I can suggest is, after rescuing Blue in the first mission, just keep going while he's laying down. Hopefully someday there'll be a way to fix this. Until then though I'll just have to make due.
As per usual, constructive criticism very welcome! Thanks for playing!
A Warrior's Friend: ID 335212 - Help Infernal save Valkyrie from Battle Maiden.
Above Mars Part 1: The Wellington: ID 159769 - Save Mars by destroying a monstrous battleship from the inside!
>.> My DA page, where I attempt to art.
Hello all~ <^-^> Just came back from hiatus - some might remember me, most probably don't but that's okay <,< - at any rate, this is a thread for me to get feedback on my arcs.

I figure it makes more sense to keep em all in one thread instead of trying to keep track of multiple threads; hopefully it'll be easier for people to give feedback this way too - but if not I can revert to the older method.
Anyway, on to the point - The arcs!
A quick warning: All my arcs are very story-driven. That means if you don't want to read a lot of text, you'll probably miss out on a few things. Basically just be warned that everything is set up to tell a story, rather than just be a 'blast through'. Likewise they're also a bit on the long side. So if you sit down to play one, it'll probably take ~45 minutes, give or take depending on character, settings, team size and reading speed.
Just a forewarning so you don't get into anything you'll regret <^_^>b
*Updated with Pictures*
Arc ID 159769
Title: Above Mars Part 1: The Wellington
Originally Published: 5/09/2009*
Status: Seeking Feedback
Genre: Sci-Fi
Description - The Terran Coalition seeks to reclaim it's Martian colony with a massive warship, the TNS Wellington. Can you destroy the behemoth from within?
More detailed explanation:
This arc is explicitly designed to be completely unrelated to CoH in any way, shape, or form. It's essentially a game within a game.
As such, you'll find no references to traditional CoH canon at all - instead you're dealing with a war between the Terran Coalition and the Martian Republic. The former being something of an interplanetary empire, the latter being a one-planet breakaway faction that fought a war of independence against the Coalition about ~30 years previous to the current timeline.
You're character is, for the duration, a sergeant in the Martian Naval Marine Corps and given the nigh impossible task of blowing up a huge warship from the inside. It's a somewhat experimental arc for that reason - I had to use a fair number of stage directions in the text to give the impression of moving through the ship and the like.
As for the Part 1 bit in the title: The goal was originally to have a trilogy, which I still plan to do, it's just taken far, far longer than anticipated <x,x> So yes, there's a reason for the Part 1 - it's not just a word-salad title <'x'>
*Actually it was originally published even earlier than this, but I made a few mistakes post-Beta for I14 and it had to be re-published later. Only reason this is relevant is that Architect has been updated since this was published, and while I did give it a good couple passes since coming back, I really need feedback on if you feel there are features added that I've not noticed/am not using to the fullest.
Basically if there's something architect can do that I'm not aware of, that would help this arc >.> please let me know! There's only so much I can figure out just scanning things over.
Changes since most recent update:
Biggest changes are:
1) Added a few new mobs thanks to the extra space allowed by the new compression method. Mostly this just allows me to add a male Auxiliary Marine and a female Tactical Marine; but it also let me add a male Iron Guard Marine boss and a brand new Lieutenant type; the Lance Corporal.
The Lance Corporal is basically a blaster type enemy like the Tactical Marines - but with more options at their disposal. The big thing about this addition though is that it dilutes the number of Marine Sergeants you'll fight; which could cause the biggest complaint of the arc "Being buried in bots."
So now, while it can still happen once in awhile, it'll be far less common.
2) The third mission, has seen the removal of most of the Penal Officer spawns. Some may still spawn if you're running in a group; but solo you should only encounter the one at the end. I also re-vamped their powers a bit, dropping Enforcers for Gang War.
While initially that might seem like a dubious choice; the hoped-for is that because the individual members of a Gang War are so weak, a good AoE or two should drop them all, letting you focus on the boss. The other advantage being that unlike the enforcers, they actually look a bit more like the overworked slaves they're meant to portray. (Enforcers are just a little too 'dangerous' looking for that.)
Still, this bit needs major feedback, as I can only judge what I personally enjoy - so if you find the new change terrible, please let me know! (Likewise, if you like it, also let me know)
3) I gave the Tactical and Auxiliary Marines "Full Auto". This may initially seem like a very bad idea; but because minion Full Auto is pretty weak, this actually reduces their DPS a little bit. It *might* cause a problem for Masterminds however - which is why I'm again asking specifically for feedback on this change.
The goal is to make the mobs do less damage over time; because one of the other big complaints in this arc was that the mobs hit very, very hard. (Largely thanks to spamming Slug as fast as it came up.)
I also nerfed the Auxiliary Marines healing - they can only Heal Other now; instead of using Healing Aura. The change is mainly because if you run on a setting that spawns many, many opponents, multiple heal auras can be absolutely mind-numbingly irritating. You still may run into a little trouble if you don't take out the Auxiliary Marines first though - so shoot those medics!
That's the list of major changes that have gone into this version. Suggestions for more are welcome!
I'll get back to work on the sequel after I've gotten the hang of the system again. (Patching is great for warming up!)
The other arc that I currently have up (which needs feedback even more!) is:
Arc ID 335212
Title: A Warrior's Friend
Re-Published: 10/05/2009
Status: Seeking Feedback
Genre: Alternate/Expanded-Canon CoH
Description: Help Infernal free Valkyrie from Battle Maiden and halt her sinister plot!
More detailed explanation:
This arc is much more traditional super-hero fare. Essentially, I took a faction we know very little about (Battle Maiden's clan on War Earth) and expanded them with additional mobs - then gave them a plot that felt (at least to me) very 'comic book'.
To sum it up with as few a spoilers as possible: Battle Maiden has found a way to potentially make herself much, much more powerful; and has sent her forces through the Praetorian's portals to our Earth. From there you'll have to follow her home to uncover her plot and defeat her.
The primary goal here was to expand what we know of Battle Maiden's troops and War Earth itself. Obviously it should go without saying that it's not genuine canon by any stretch >.> however I marked it as "Canon Related"; because it's definitely rooted in what we do know of these things. It just makes a much bigger deal of them than the game ever does.
This arc is what TV Tropes would call "Fanon"; basically how I think War Earth works. It's plausible to a point; but don't take it as gospel.
With 'Going Rogue' this idea may have to be treated as an alternate universe, rather than just expanded universe, depending on how much of War Earth we see in Praetoria.
Probably won't see a direct sequel as there's no meta-plot beyond this arc. Still, I like the faction enough they may get a return appearance later; if I get a positive response.
Changes from original publish:
This arc saw a relatively brief period of Live time shortly after I14 hit - however it was... well flawed; and there really wasn't a way I could fix those flaws the way the tools were. Not without making it feel dumpier than intended anyway.
Now however I've been able to make some fixes:
1) I was able to re-add a female archer to the Champions of Mourning (the lowest rung of Battle Maiden's clan troops). This gives 4 different Champions of mourning, 1 Male archer, 1 Male mace and shield wielder, 1 Female archer, and 1 female axe and shield wielder.
2) The third mission, which was loathed by all, has been modified a fair bit. The map is *MUCH* smaller now, making finding the objectives far simpler. I actually like the new map better too, as it fits the "labor camp" motif better than the other one. Sadly I still can't get the generic Slave prisoners to run when rescued; but I feel they add more to the atmosphere than detract at least.
3) Kawago, and his faction as a whole, have been expanded and ervamped. First off, instead of one generic male Tribesman, there's now a Male Tribal Warrior and a Female Tribal Warrior, both with war paint and clubs. There are also two Lieutenants for Kawago's faction, Male and Female Druids, who use a combination of Plant Control and Storm powers. I deliberately removed some of the more obnoxious Storm powers though, so when you encounter one, they shouldn't be blowing stuff all over the field.
Kawago himself has also had his power list altered to be less obnoxious; and his dialogue is (at least I hope) less generic.
4) Infernal will actually help fight in Mission 4, instead of standing around like a goon.
So there's that;
I do have a few specific feedback requests for A Warrior's Friend (though any feedback is good! These are areas I'm just especially concerned with);
1 - Costumes; how do you feel about Battle Maiden's clan's look? What about Kawago's clan?
I wanted to make each distinctive, with Kawago's troops being somewhat more primitive and earthy; while Battle Maiden's troops are somewhat more well organized and disciplined -though even the lower rung of her troops remain rather barbaric. (Which makes sense given the rather post-apocalyptic setting)
2 - Gameplay; I tried to get rid of the obnoxious features the original had, or at least make them require less backtracking. Did I succeed? Or is it still annoying to play?
3 - Story and Dialogue; I wanted this story to feel (pardon the overused term) "Epic"; in that it's kind of a super-hero take on post-apocalyptic Fantasy. Which is why everyone's lines are (rather intentionally) a bit hammy.
The question is: Does the ham add, or detract from the story?
Likewise, the story itself - the plot isn't meant to be super-deep; but is it relatively logical (in super-hero terms)? Or is it just ridiculous even given the conceit?
4 - Environments; I did my best to pick maps that fit the theme of each mission (which is of course normal); but I want to know - do you think I got the right ones? Are there maps that you feel suit a given location's description better?
The biggest concern I have is Mission 4, which uses the Salamancan barn map. It feels right on a lot of levels (especially since you can see some city in the distance) - but the glowing mushrooms kinda throw me off... I'm not sure that there's a better place though; so I'll leave it up to you all if it works or not.
Anyway, that's what's up right now - I appreciate any constructive feedback or play throughs I can get <^-^>b
A Warrior's Friend: ID 335212 - Help Infernal save Valkyrie from Battle Maiden.
Above Mars Part 1: The Wellington: ID 159769 - Save Mars by destroying a monstrous battleship from the inside!
>.> My DA page, where I attempt to art.