Only three ambushes?




I keep reading the devs said there are not supposed to be more than three ambushes in any mission...
Is that true? And if so, why? And, please dont do that!

Ambushes are very essential for so many things, for example I have this one idea for a big invasion battle, and they can spice things up so nicely from just walking from one static mob to the next, equivalent or just-as-random one.

I also have a mission where (fortunately, fingers crossed) more than three ambushes work for now, and I wouldnt want that to change at all. Its not that they spam you, but there's starship officers calling for security if you hit them, whimpy engineers coming and complaining that you must not mess with their control terminals as you click the glowies, ... and well, ONE real ambush each when you beat up the wreckable object and during the fight with the captain.

I can see that someone could possibly 'abuse' dozens of ambushes at once, just like you can abuse about everything, but how are we supposed to tell interesting stories when we can do only the merest and most basic things?

(or are the devs afraid the MA missions will end up more exciting than the normal ones? Well spice those up a bit then. (and dont give the exit button while an ambush is running at you or you are still fighting) )



The ability to add more ambushes was removed because it was exploitable. What you want is still possible though.

You can create patrols that come after a certain action and even battles.



So is it true? Does someone have a link of where it is announced?

Originally Posted by GrinningSpade View Post
The ability to add more ambushes was removed because it was exploitable. What you want is still possible though.

You can create patrols that come after a certain action and even battles.
(I hear you, but)

Everything is exploitable.

And "come" is the point. Ambushes come and ambushes create action and urgency.
Patrols, boss fights or battles may spawn far off, and there is no guarantee the player even ever sees them unless made a mission objective, and then its still up to the player to find and attack them and doesnt feel related to what triggered it.
"We'll get you for this! - On this other floor here, if you ever come by again." - Not really.



Originally Posted by BlueRaptor View Post
So is it true? Does someone have a link of where it is announced?
It was done in Beta. That board has long been removed.

But, yes, that is why they removed the ability to have more than three ambushes attached to a single boss/item. I have a story that would be much much better if I could place endless ambushes in one mission. With the latest changes made, it might be possible to ask for the ambush limit to be raised. I know I would like to use more ambushes at times on a mission.