Archery/Trick Arrow Corruptor
Hi, I'd be interested to know how your getting on with the build as I'm building a AR/TA on Union. I have several archers and love to play them. I agree with your choice on AR but I'm going for oil slick, acid arrow and emp on TA as I love them on my other characters.
I cant wait to get to a high level and try the slik+acid+fire ar(to light slick)+ROA combination.
I just hope that the damage for ROA is going to be high enough on a corr.
I have chosen to go the Archery/TA route and would like to know if their is any build out there that has soft capped defense to ranged and AoE.
Powers I want:
Looking through Mids, the closest I can get you to Ranged softcap is 42.2% with 25.3% AoE. And that's a severely gimped build that I wouldn't wish upon anyone.
I think you will either need to rule out softcapping or rethink what powers you want.
Arch/TA offers a lot to someone looking for an AoE slant, but to be honest, you're also leaving out a number of great powers in your list:
Blazing Arrow - Hardest hitting ST you have aside from the snipe.
Explosive Arrow - Brings in another AoE to your chain
Oil Slick Arrow - Excellent soft-control power, plus great damage once lit
EMP Arrow - GREAT 'oh crap' power. Dominators/Controllers only wish their AoE holds were this good.
Head of TRICK, the all Trick Arrow and Traps SG
Part of the Repeat Offenders
Still waiting for his Official BackAlleyBrawler No-Prize

Just adding: Made a Arch/TA Corr and just got him to 22. Hope it gets better 'cause I am seriously not impressed at all except for the end usage (or lack thereof)
Just adding: Made a Arch/TA Corr and just got him to 22. Hope it gets better 'cause I am seriously not impressed at all except for the end usage (or lack thereof)
But still, I'm at 29 now and feel really meh about the set. I like to solo, but bosses and the EBs heavily sprinkled throughout the villain arcs (something I usually enjoy) make it rough, so I'm running a lot more SFs that I ever have before to get past some crappy levels I feel like I'm stuck at.
I'm sure by the late levels, it will feel as awesome as my TA/A Defender, but right now its a real uphill struggle.
Corruptor TA's end costs are bugged, and are 25% too high. That was a huge problem for mine before I got Stamina and a Miracle: +Recovery. That combined with SOs made the end costs much more manageable.
But still, I'm at 29 now and feel really meh about the set. I like to solo, but bosses and the EBs heavily sprinkled throughout the villain arcs (something I usually enjoy) make it rough, so I'm running a lot more SFs that I ever have before to get past some crappy levels I feel like I'm stuck at. I'm sure by the late levels, it will feel as awesome as my TA/A Defender, but right now its a real uphill struggle. |
Globals: @Midnight Mystique/@Magik13

Just adding: Made a Arch/TA Corr and just got him to 22. Hope it gets better 'cause I am seriously not impressed at all except for the end usage (or lack thereof)
I was really looking forward to this combo, but it just isn't living up to my expectations.
It gets better later on, ROA+the two -res debuffing arrows should allow you to help more. Also Poison Gas arrow makes a whole lot of a difference (I noticed that on my defender)
"Men strunt �r strunt och snus �r snus
om ock i gyllne dosor.
Och rosor i ett sprucket krus
�r st�ndigt alltid rosor."
Hey all, I'm looking to make a new villain, other than my SS/Shield brute and fire/earth dom, and have decided on a weapon user, which is something I usually don't do. I have chosen to go the Archery/TA route and would like to know if their is any build out there that has soft capped defense to ranged and AoE.
Powers I want:
- Snap Shot
- Aimed Shot
- Fistful of Arrows
- Rain of Arrows
- Disruptor Arrow
- Posion Gas Arrow
- Toxic Arrow
- Glue Arrow
I would like to stick with the following pools:- Fitness
- Medicine
- Teleport
- Leaping, for Combat Jumping
My current server is Liberty and despite the new SSK feature, teams are still tough to find, so I have adapted my play stayle to solo'ing at -1/+3-4 during the 10-35 range, then -1/+4-5 for the rest of the game. I only ask for soft capped defense just for fun.@Van De Graff-X, Liberty