Unique Bosses Spawning In Mobs; Anyone Know How To Prevent This?




*sighs* Issue 16 has added SO MANY bugs into the Mission Editor; Here's the next one... I had a custom faction with 2 unique bosses. Previously in I15 I had them set as Defeat Boss events, and they'd spawn with surrounding mobs from the custom faction. Now they both appear with each other during both Defeat Boss events, making them too hard to complete, as well as wrecking the plot. But I can't for the life of me stop them appearing together... I've tried making them both Elite Bosses, and then Arch Villains, but they appear regardless. Any suggestions?



There was a way to not make them spawn as normal groups by right clicking them in the edit character screen. I don't know the exact problem and the way the map looks other than what you have said, but you may want to try that. Are they spawning together in every group, on a team, solo, what? Is it only once during the map, counting towards the "defeat *Big Boss*" count? Mine were spawning as if they were just the boss from the group and someone told me about the right click thing. You may wanna try that and report back here if it continues, to provide a better scenario.



Hmm, I can't see where I need to right click yet; where exactly is it please? (Ahh I think I've found it now, under the My Enemy Group list, then Edit, click character in list... "Don't Auto Spawn"... will run the arc again, alas it adds .07% to the arc size, may need to edit some text again, even if this works, sooo fiddley requirements!)

And to answer your question, I have mission where just one mob, the boss event, contains that particular custom faction, and the first boss (plain boss originally) was the unique spawn, and he'd have 2 normal Minions around him. Now one of the minions is replaced by the Elite Boss from Mission 4 instead.

Mission 4 had an Elite Boss as mentioned, and would call in his own pets. He'd also have 2 spawn around him, but now one of them is replaced with the Boss from Mission 3. The rest of the map is filled with mobs from their Custom Faction... but I don't believe boss 3 appears with them. It's hard for me to tell though, as I can't use a local copy to skip to these levels and check easily (see other thread about a returning bug)



Ok, yes setting them to not auto spawn fixed the problem, they don't appear in other groups now, but only as uniques where I set them to appear as an event. I took out one of the minions from the custom group (no one will notice he's gone!) to make the space savings to get those extra settings in... now to just try and sort out the other bugs consistently!